A/N:OK!! I'm back!!!! so basically what happened is you bump into sakusa and apologise. i also apologise for not updating for so long!!!
"Hey!!! Sakusa you alright?" a boy runs up to Sakusa panting. "watch where your going next time" the boy named sakusa says and walks off to who knows where. "a-a-alright!!!" you say nervously. " i am so sorry for my friend, you ok?" the boy you identified as Sakusa's friend asked. " Um, yeah i think im fine" you say with a small smile.You noticed Leila fuming beside you. " Um Lee-chan, you alright?" you ask your friend. "The cheek of him! Didn't even say sorry!" your friend exploded. Leila was the most hot-tempered person you knew. " I apologise again! My names Komori Motoya by the way!" the boy said running off. "Sakusa, wait up!!!" you heard Komori yell in the distance. " The cheek of that boy," leila fumed. "it's ok Lee!" you say with a smile. Somtimes she was worse than your mother. " Anywaaaay here" your friend says throwing you a small plastic bottle. You read the label groaning. " Lee-lee!!! I told you and mom i didnt need my meds!!!" you say frustrated. " I just had a feeling you'd need them. And your mom told me to bring them for you." You had to admit you were grateful for that. you took an oblong pill from the bottle and swallowed it. You didn't have one in a few weeks.that was progress. "You feel better now?" leila asked. "yup" you answer. the side-effects were hyperness and you already felt like you were flying. " C'mon Lee we're gonna be late!" You say running ahead of Leila. "Coming !" Leila said laughing running up to you. Both of you started slowing down when you realized you were beside the school. You stood there for a second marvelling the school. it was a HUGE building.
"Wow" you said your eyes wide like saucers. " C'mon Y/N! I've got so much to show you! Eek!!!" your friend said dancing around. It's a shock for people to know she hates cofee and even you sometimes wonder how is she so energetic all the time. To you and a LOT of other people she looks like she had eight coffees in the morning. You snapped out of your thoughts when Leila grabbed your sleeve very careful not to touch your arm and dragged you to the principle's office while showing you around the school you around the school. " Here's the cafeteria, second and third year classes are upstairs and- We're here!!!" Leila stopped abruptly causing you to fall on the floor just about dodging her. you stood up about at the same time the principal opened the door. " ah, welcome you must be Y/N,L/N my name is Ayame Kanji but plese call me ms.Ayame!" " oh um hi!" you say entering her room. it was quite fancy but at the same time simple.
"now here's your schedule and I don't usually do this but for it to be easier for you I'll put you in the same class as Leila Ayano, which is class 2b." Miss Ayame said giving you about 2 or 3 papers stapled together but handed them weirdly. You realized she was trying not to touch you. your mother must've told her about you. Thankfully you were reasurred only the teachers and principal would know because you begged mother to ask not to tell them about your phobia. your mom wasn't reassured at first but you made up your mind. Ever since you were a child people would either A. bully you and laugh about you B. pretend to be your friend but talk about you behind your back or C. treat you like a baby and not like a normal human. you were 7 when you decided on being home-schooled. later on in your life you made a few friends but they were similar to you, no friends, lonely or something wrong with them. ( More about them later in the book.) And Leila? Well both of your moms were best friend so you were like sisters. (Aaaanywaaay back to the story) "Leila i assume you have your schedule?" the principal continued. " Yes I got it at the end of last year.But may i ask what teacher do we have?" Leila asked politely. you stared at her amazed. Never had you seen her so polite in your life. You used to laugh at her at movie night because she reminded you so much like Bakugou when watching MHA. you couldn't believe that you were all so grown-up now. Leila, the girl with anger issues, the one that everyone was scared of is now a well polite teenager. Well not exactly but oh well. "ah yes you have miss Abhiko.Any more questions?" both Leila and you shook your heads "no? well you are dismissed to your classes." Leila and you both bowed down and left the room. "Phew! that was weird" Leila said laughing. "yeah I know. You can actually be polite?" you said and both of you started laughing. You arrived at the class ten minutes early so you're not surrounded by crowds of people when the bell rings. The class was empty except... "You!" Leila said angrily pointing at Sakusa. "You didn't apologise to my friend yet!" She said her face like kageyama.
A/N: aight this story has 974 words again im SO sorry for not updating this story for so long.I might make another chapter today but i don't guarantee i'll do one every day because school :( And i have an essay to do. again pls comment if you dont like something, want me to improve something or even want me to add in this story!!! i hope you like this!!! By: Cheesycharlotte AWARDS: person who healed my author's block or something: sister. my best reader: You! my best supporter and friend: Rainbow_Spinkles2009.
Again thank you so much.