Grow up A Hero

The purpose of education, then, is to help students achieve status as global citizens of the world, who realize the importance of becoming advocates for music, self-sufficient and self-confident human beings, and will strive to be respectful, well-rounded, educated, passionate members of society.

Grow up a hero isn't by one day. The story hero isn't grow up by one day. He hard work then today he is a hero. He tell us how he grow up a hero.


Firstly Hero means ,A HERO is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities. A person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.

Remember our ancient Hero

In the ancient world, everyone knew what a hero was. Heroes were idolized. They were often worshipped as gods. Many of the names of ancient god-like heroes will be familiar. Names like Achilles, Odysseus, Perseus, and Hercules. I think,

Ancient hero is ideal for everyone ,If you following you ideal hero you can shine in your life and makes your life happy. I have many favorites ancient hero.

Ancient heroes tended to follow the same playbook. There were occasional exceptions, but as a rule, ancient heroes tended to have the following characteristics:

They did their heroic acts for personal glory.

They did their heroic acts to win everlasting honor.

They weren't generally altruistic, but mostly self-serving.

They were usually on a quest for something of personal benefit.

Of course, benefits would often accrue to others as a result of the hero's action. Nations were delivered, curses were lifted, material wealth was secured, lives were saved.

But though their deeds were often phenomenal acts of bravery, strength, and determination… they weren't so much out to save mankind. They were mostly out to save themselves.

Lastly, we should recognize that the ancient folk heroes were often "superheroes." That is, they possessed super human abilities and capabilities. It was anything but a level playing field. Ancient heroes were heroes often because the deck was stacked in their favor.

And ancient heroes were not as noble as we might think. Most of them had at least one major flaw. Some had more.

Of course, many ancient heroes didn't really exist. They were only heroes of folklore. And actual heroes often took on mythical proportions as their stories were told and retold for generations.

In society, men are expected to be strong. This is a good thing. However, with your children, open all of yourself to them. Show them compassion, sympathy, and forgiveness. They will, in turn, do the same with their kids when they grow up.

What is a hero? Who are the people we make heroes? Why do we need heroes? What happens when a hero falls? Why do we need heroes?

A hero is someone who "we" determine to have demonstrated behaviors and decisions that are ethically and emotionally worthy of our awe. We see in them something we think is not in us. Given similar conditions, we "think" we might not make the same moves and decisions they do, so we place them in an elevated place in society or in our minds. What is a hero? Someone who inspires us by their example. Someone who moves us emotionally to connect with them at some level in order for us develop a connection with them. We may want to idolize them or place them in high personal regard. We may want to connect with them in a personal way by focusing on them to garner their strength or will-power. We may also desire to possess them in order to gain hero status by way of a kindred association.

Heroes come in many ages shapes and sizes.


So now that we've seen what a hero is not, let's explore what a hero is. That is, what are the characteristics of a true hero? What makes a hero?

Never fear, there are still true heroes. But it's only reasonable that true heroes should meet certain qualifications.

A true hero is someone who does something heroic for the benefit of others. For the benefit of someone other than themselves.

Which doesn't mean that a hero can't benefit from his or her own heroism. But their deed or act or performance or accomplishment is not primarily for their own benefit. They're selfless in their service – not self-serving.

True heroes are not ordinary people doing ordinary things in ordinary ways. They aren't like everyone else.

They're different.

They're brave when others cower. They're strong when others are weak. They're determined when others quit. They're disciplined when others are lazy. They do right when others do wrong.

A true hero takes a risk. A true hero does something that may cost them on a personal level.

It may result in their being injured. They may have to forfeit something of value. They may even lose their life by their deed of heroism. But they're willing to take that risk.

A true hero is willing to take a risk on behalf of others. If I attempt to climb a mountain, I may fall off that mountain and die. This is not, by itself, a heroic risk.

A heroic risk would be risking my own life in order to save other mountain climbers. A true hero takes risks on behalf of others.

A true hero may be just as afraid as the next person. A true hero may be just as aware of the danger they face as the next person. But they act in spite of their fear.

They aren't some special class of human being that's exempt from normal tendencies to be afraid in the face of danger. True heroes are afraid too!

But they act anyway. Knowing full well that danger lies ahead, they forge ahead just the same. Facing down your fears and courageously pressing on is heroic.

Most of us will be called upon to sit on the curb and clap as the heroes pass by. That's okay. True heroes appreciate the honor bestowed on them for what they did. But most true heroes tend to be humble.

They're just glad they could serve in some way. True heroes often shy away from acclaim. True heroes don't always see themselves as heroes.

This, in some ways, makes them even more heroic.

We all have onerous, unpleasant tasks that we prefer to put off. We just don't want to do them. So we don't.

But here's a chance to bring out that small inner hero within yourself. Just do the task. Even if you don't want to. Even if you'd rather do almost anything else.

Look for that task each day – and do it! You'll find yourself experiencing a bit of the hero vibe. You'll be glad you did this thing. And even if it's not truly heroic, you'll feel a bit heroic by doing it

This one is the corollary of the previous one. Some things we're naturally inclined to do that we should avoid. Other things we're inclined not to do that we really should do. So do that thing you'd prefer not to do.

Write that letter you've been putting off. Make that phone call that you know will be difficult or unpleasant. Be nice to someone who's down that hasn't been so kind to you.

Start eating better NOW. Start exercising NOW. Start cleaning out the garage NOW. Start organizing your finances NOW.

You'll find that once you get started; once you overcome the inertia; once you get past the tipping point, you'll be highly motivated to finish what you began.

Which will make you a kind of minor league hero. That's okay. Better to be in the minor league than in no league at all.

There will always be people around you in some kind of need. There are probably people around you in a need similar to one you once had. Find out what that need is and help meet it. Whatever it may be.

It's especially gratifying to find a need you can meet using a special skill or ability that you have. Then it will not only be an act of service, but you'll probably enjoy it too. Remember, heroes are self-sacrificing. So you can be a minor hero through your self-sacrificing service.

Most of us will never be true heroes. An honest-to-goodness real life hero. We certainly won't be a hero of folklore and legend. Most of us will simply live pretty normal lives. Lives that may be happy, exciting, wonderful, and blessed – but not heroic in any classic sense.

That's fine. We'll get over it.

But just because we can't be true heroes, doesn't mean we can't be little heroes in small ways. Every day. Seek out your own personal inner hero. Start with the list above. Feel free to add to the list.

We'll probably always need heroes. We'll probably always need people to look up to. Who did things that neither we nor most others were able to do.

Or maybe they just never had the opportunity. No matter. We can all exercise our hero muscles on a small scale. And we should. So let's get on it, shall we?

In the meantime, maybe we can agree to stop the "Hero Hype." Let's honor true heroes and stop bestowing hero status and the name "hero" on those who are more ordinary than heroic.

I heard it put something like this: Let's strive to bring ourselves up to heroic levels, rather than alter the definition of hero so we all qualify.


How grow up a hero day by day

A real hero knows that their actions might go unnoticed, and that's okay. Make sure that you are trying to be a hero for the right reasons. You need to be willing to help people who might not even know you have intervened on their behalf. You have to be focused more on the feeling you get from doing the good deed than receiving praise.

Find joy in seeing the smiles on other people's faces.

Think about how you would feel having a good deed done for you. That will help you connect to the joy or change you create in another person's life.

Think about other people needs before considering your own. When you are making decisions at work or at home, take some time to think about how your actions will affect someone else.

Being a hero is not just about solving all of the bad things in life like poverty, inequality, and oppression. It is also about working to promote and advance the good things in life like charity, kindness, gratitude and love. Speaking out against injustice is important, but speaking out in favor of peace is just as valuable.

Think about things in terms of "Pro" instead of "Anti". Be pro-peace instead of antiwar. Be pro-environment instead of just antipollution.

Be a good leader. If you are a teacher or in charge of a team at work, know that you have people that look up to you. Lead them by example. If they see you thanking people for their hard work, highlighting the achievements of others, and going out of your way to make the classroom or work place safe, they are more likely to do the same.

No one becomes a hero all on their own. Think about the people in your life who have acted like heroes. Think about the times when you felt lost or scared, only to have another person come along and help you through a tough time? Maybe they were strangers. Perhaps a teacher or relative was there for you when you really needed someone. Think about what they did and how it made you .

Remember that everyone thinks differently. What seems comfortable or easy for you might not seem that way to other people. You might feel really confident going to a karaoke night with a bunch of strangers, but your friend or date might not. Consider what others want in addition to what makes you happy.

A hero doesn't just intervene when they see wrong being done. A true hero is there to do good at any time. This might mean taking some extra time out of your day to perform a good deed. You can do anything from paying for the coffee of the person behind you in line at the coffee shop to helping some lost tourists find their way around the city. Other random acts of kindness you can do include:

Raking your neighbor's leaves for them.

Helping to pay a student's tuition.

Buying lunch for the office.

Washing a friend's car for them.

Buying groceries for someone in need.

Taking an elderly neighbor to an appointment.

Simply donating a few hours each week to help these organizations so very much. You can also volunteer your time in other ways.

Help build houses for low-income families.

Join a community garden.

Get involved with your neighborhood watch.

You don't always have to volunteer in such an official way. You can offer to help a friend move or give up some time to listen when a family member is in need of emotional support.

First, think about the things you are good at or the useful skills that you have. You can ask your friends and family what they think you excel at, if you cannot think of anything specific. They will have a good idea about your strengths and how you can best utilize them to help others.Think about how you can use your talents to help others.

Perhaps you are a great public speaker, or maybe you have a talent for craft projects or building furniture. Perhaps you are a great listener and can be an empathetic ear for an elderly neighbor.

You can also use your professional skills and knowledge to help others. If you are a teacher, you might volunteer some time to help tutor students who are having trouble in school. If you are an artist, you might volunteer at a senior center to help teach senior citizens how to paint or sketch.

Some people, such as the disabled or elderly, need help, but don't know how to ask. Become the type of person who isn't just waiting around for opportunities to be a hero, by asking others if there is anything you can do for them.

You can ask some of your own heroes for advice. Ask them how they are able to put others before themselves.

Don't be afraid to imitate.Chances are that the way someone helped you will work for other people as well. If a friend helped you by being a good listener, you can do the same for someone else.


I have had to do a lot in life to be a good hero. From a young age, I wanted to be a hero. A person can be a hero from different professions. Since I am a doctor, I have to save many lives. It is nothing less than being a hero. I have described above how to become a hero. I have done the best thing in life. You can become a hero by doing good deeds.To become an ideal hero one has to follow certain customs.

"There must be many obstacles in life to make yourself perfect. Life is perfect only if you have to move forward on the path of life without paying attention to them or removing them."