
Many people in the world cannot be happy because they are jealous of those who are happy. The key to being happy is to know Dr. W It knows very well how to be happy, to achieve, not everyone can catch the bird called happiness.


I have not found happiness in my life, happiness is looking for me. In fact, find happiness fools, you will not find happiness by suffering for happiness. , I'm talking about how happiness can be special.

firstly know what is happiness?

Happiness is a great goal to have, and it's something you'll need to work toward every day. Being happy isn't something you achieve and then hold onto — it's a series of decisions that you make every day. Start by cultivating positivity in your life and living your life in a way that feels right to you.

Being grateful for the things you have can change your life. It helps you focus on what's going well so you're less likely to feel depressed about your life. Take 1-2 minutes to savor positive moments. Additionally, thank people when they do nice things for you.

Replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk. Negative thoughts can make it hard to feel happy, but you can change them. When you notice negative thoughts, challenge their accuracy. Then, replace the thought with a positive or neutral thought. Additionally, make positive statements to yourself throughout your day.

Let's say you catch yourself thinking, "I'm so ugly." You might replace this thought with, "I can't be ugly because everyone is beautiful in their own way," or "I'm unique, and that makes me beautiful."

Use positive affirmations like, "I can do this," "I'm enough," or "If I try, I'm already successful."

Compliment yourself at least once a day. Focus on what you're doing well by giving yourself regular compliments. Point out your best features, celebrate your talents, and recognize your accomplishments. This will help you think positively about yourself.

Say, "This outfit looks great on me," "I did an amazing job in that presentation," "I'm such a great writer," or "I love that I'm so compassionate."

Stop comparing yourself to other people. Everyone is on their own journey, so it's unfair to you to measure your progress by looking at what others have accomplished. Don't worry about what other people are doing. Instead, compare yourself to where you were in the past. This will help you see how you're progressing.

For instance, don't worry if all your friends seem to be further along in their careers. Your time will come. Instead, compare your progress to where you were last year.

Look for something positive when you're facing an obstacle. Hardships and setbacks are part of life, and no one is immune from them. When you're facing a problem, do your best to find a silver lining. This can help you feel better in the moment and may help you grow from your experiences.

Smiles are truly contagious. When you smile, you feel happier inside. It's hard not to! And when you smile a lot, people will respond to you more positively, which will make you feel better.

For instance, let's say you've lost your job. This is a really difficult experience, but you might focus on it as an opportunity to switch careers.

Variation: Life sometimes brings very painful experiences, like the death of a pet. You don't need to find something good in these situations. Take your time to grieve, and express your emotions to help them pass.

Dr. W said, there are so many media messages flying around telling us what should make us happy: a new car, a fancy vacation, a powerful and important job. However, the actual key to creating long-lasting, real happiness might be much simpler. By retraining your thoughts, setting good priorities, and engaging in positive physical activity, you can create happiness for yourself, and you can do it without having a trust fund. What's more, you can apply these lessons to the world at large, creating happiness for others as well as for yourself.

Don't beat yourself up for feeling unhappy. Scientists believe that happiness is to a certain extent determined by genetics. Some people are just born to be happier and more optimistic than others. If your happiness set point is a bit lower than other people you know, recognize that you aren't doing anything wrong.

Tell yourself that you can create more happiness. But even if you have a genetic predisposition toward unhappiness, you can still increase your happiness levels by avoiding negative thoughts and cultivating positive ones. It takes some work, but it can be done.

Be optimistic and hopeful about your plan to create more happiness in your life.

Cultivate gratitude. Expressing your thanks for good things in your life will allow you to appreciate your life more and feel more happiness. Whether you are thankful for something large or small, expressing your gratitude will show you just how lucky you are.

Consider creating a gratitude journal to help start you on your path to feeling more thankful.

Practice forgiveness. One of the greatest harms to happiness is holding on to painful memories and emotions.

Even if people have hurt you badly, try to forgive them: not just so that they feel better, but so that you can let go of pain that is disrupting your path to creating more happiness. Think about how painful experiences allow you to grow and mature, and come to terms with your past.

Be strong and optimistic. Don't let negative circumstances and sadness creep into or ruin your life. Whenever you are sad, try to keep your head high. You should tell yourself that life is full of hopes, challenges and unexpected twists and turns of surprises.

Look for the silver linings in life. Often something in life will happen which we interpret as being bad. When we look at it, however, it turns out to have some good aspects to it.

Keep yourself busy. You know what they say about idle hands, right? Research has consistently found that people who stay busy are happier than people who stand idle.

Not only is too much free time a little depressing, it can also be unproductive. Think of all the things you could be doing, like joining clubs, visiting places, hearing lectures, and then think of how little time you are given in life to do just that.

Give yourself reasons to smile. Scientists have found that the act of smiling may actually make you happier.

That's right: just smiling. Give it a try. Find any one of the following reasons to smile and give it a go:

A stranger passed you and smiled.

Someone else did a nice thing for a random stranger.

Something unexpected happened that caused you to think about how vast and strange the world is.

You saw something beautiful in the world.

Follow your instincts. People who stick with their gut instincts can be happier than people who labor over their decisions. This is why: if you stick with your gut, you're less likely to question what the other options might have been like, tasted like, etc; if you labor over the decision, you're more likely to wonder if you made a mistake in picking one thing over the other.

Be generous and compassionate. You might feel smart for thinking that winning a lottery ticket could make you happy, but you'd be wrong. Money increases happiness only up to a certain level, where your basic needs are met.

After that, money makes you no happier than other people. What does make you happy, however, is compassion.

One study has found that people who look at others giving money to charity makes us just as happy as receiving money ourselves! That means you should find ways to be compassionate if you can. Give back to charity, volunteer at your local food bank, help a team of second-graders with their homework, etc.

Learn how to forgive others. Forgiving others is the act of letting bygones be bygones. If you can find it in your heart to forgive other people, even ones who don't deserve it or aren't willing to forgive you, studies say that you'll be a happier person.

Forgiving other people may make you a happier person by reducing blood pressure, lowering overall stress levels, and slowing down heart rate.

Whatever you do, and whoever you are, exercise. Research has established a pretty firm link between exercise and overall happiness.

Exercise can increase endorphins in your body, lowering your overall stress levels and giving you that blissed-out feeling.

Do the things that make you happy. Don't do what you think should make you happy, or what makes other people happy; do what makes you happy. Throw away preconceived notions about what you're supposed to do and go after what you know you can get.

Listen to inspirational messages. Whether it's reading books, skimming the internet for quotes, or attending interesting lectures, the world is full of inspirational messages if you know where to look. Here are a few inspirational quotes that may get you motivated to go out into the world and find things that make you happy:

"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

"The best revenge is massive success."

"Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don't have a plan."

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."

people for help. Don't be afraid to ask your friends for help. When you do, be appreciative. As mentioned earlier, people get satisfaction out of helping others out; it makes them feel useful and accomplished. Guess what? Useful and accomplished people are generally happy and fun to get along with. That means that you'll have an easier time socializing and just being yourself around them.

Ask for help on your homework

Ask for directions when you're lost

Ask for help on a project

Ask for advice on a problem you're dealing

Keep other people's secrets. If someone trusts you enough to let you in on their secret, be good enough to keep it. That means no gossip, and no playing sides against one another. You'd be hurt and feel betrayed. Don't make the other person feel the same way. Finding happiness is all about keeping your friends close and giving them good reason to trust you.

Live according to your personal values. Ignoring your core beliefs can make you feel distressed or conflicted. Discover your personal values by listing the things that are important to you, identifying times you've felt truly happy, and deciding what you really want in life. Then, align your lifestyle with your values so that you can be the person you want to be.

For instance, you might value helping others and being creative. To align with these values, you might choose a career in nursing and paint as a hobby. Additionally, you might make conscientious decisions so that you don't hurt others.

Do at least one activity you enjoy every day. Having fun every day helps you enjoy your life more. Make a list of activities that make you feel happy. Then, schedule time every day to do something on your list. This can help you enjoy life more and can help you become your best self.

For instance, engage in a hobby, hang out with your friends, play a board game, walk your pet, take a hot bath, read a book, see a movie, go to a concert, or try a new recipe.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet so your body is nourished. Nutrients give you energy, so eating well helps you feel your best. Eat fresh produce, lean proteins, and complex carbs to help you stay healthy. Additionally, cut out processed foods and sugary snacks because they're empty calories.

Lean proteins include chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, nuts, and meat replacement products.

Complex carbs include foods like starchy vegetables and whole grains.

Exercise 30 minutes daily for a positive mood and healthy body. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel happy. Additionally, exercise gives you energy and helps you feel your best. Choose an exercise that you enjoy so that it's easy to do it every day.

For instance, walk, run, dance, go to the gym, join a recreational sports team, or go swimming.

Feeling tired can have a negative effect on your mood. Plus, it makes it hard for you to live your best life. To make sure you feel your best, follow a sleep schedule to help you fall asleep easily. Additionally, use a sleep routine to help you go to sleep faster.

A good sleep routine might include taking a warm shower, changing into your pajamas, and reading a chapter of a book in bed.

Express positive emotions verbally. While we are all tempted to vent about our negative emotions, talking about our positive emotions might be even more important to creating long-lasting happiness.[7] When you feel happy, tell someone or write it down in a journal. When you are excited, pleased, or proud, feel free to tell the world. This will help retrain your brain to focus on positive thoughts and feelings.

Meditate every day. Meditating for 20 minutes or more a day can make you kinder, more relaxed, and can train your brain to be happier.

You can meditate on your own or as part of a group. Take some time to find a relaxing place, quiet your mind, and let go of negative thoughts and energy. You will not only be happier in the short term but will also build a pathway for future happiness .

Surround yourself with family and friends. You are more likely to be happy if you spend lots of time with the people you care about the most. Don't isolate yourself.[9] Social support is the most important key to happiness--more important than money, age, race, or gender.

Eating a meal with people you care about can be particularly important. Invite an old friend over for dinner or call up a relative to set up a lunch date.

Show your loved ones that you care. If you find yourself slipping away from important relationships, find ways to demonstrate that your friends and family are important to you. Do them a favor, bring them some food, or just call them up to see how they are doing. Gestures like these can strengthen bonds and will make it more likely that your loved ones will be a constant presence in your life.

Identify and exercise your key strengths. People are happiest when they are deeply engaged in activities in which they excel. This is called "flow." Think hard about what your major strengths are, and gravitate toward ways for you to exercise those strengths every day.[12] Sometimes these key strengths are part of a career; sometimes they are a hobby you might do for fun. But no matter what, make time every day to do what you are good at.

Focus on experiences, not on things. Acquiring a new object might make you happy for a moment, but creating lasting memories can bring you happiness for a lifetime. Make more time for experiences you really enjoy, and spend your resources pursuing new activities instead of new objects.

Focusing too much on material objects will lead to "hedonic adaptation," which means you just get used to your new things and so need to keep buying more and more objects in order to feel the same rush. Resist that cycle by thinking about how you want to spend your time, not on how you want to spend your money.

Be thoughtful about how you plan your days. Don't expect happiness to just come to you. Schedule time for what brings you joy, and avoid activities that bring you down.[15] Make sure you schedule time for exercise and leisure activities, your hobbies, and for your loved ones. Happiness is harder to attain when you are just cycling through work, television, and sleep.

Decide whether your job is making you happy. If your current job is making you feel stressed, rushed, or depressed, you might want to reconsider your career path.[16] Ideally, your job should provide lots of "flow," where you can become absorbed in meaningful tasks at which you excel. If your job isn't providing this satisfaction, consider a career that will give you that "flow" feeling. Your days will fly by!

Remember that money is not equivalent to happiness. While it is important to have your basic needs met such as food, housing, and health care, having a lot of wealth is not enough to make you happy. Don't stay in a miserable career just because it pays well.

Be busy, but not over-scheduled. The happiest people have a lot to do, but do not feel too stressed out about accomplishing their tasks. Find a happy balance in your schedule so that you are consistently productive but not overworked.

This might mean that you schedule time in your day for meditation, a walk outdoors, or a coffee break to give you time to recharge. Don't try to do everything at once!

Pursue meaningful activities. Meaningful activities are those that help others and not just yourself. While meaningful activities might sometimes feel like a burden in the short term, they can also bring you great satisfaction in the long term. Volunteer for an organization you care about, donate your time and money to a good cause, or take the time to help out a friend in need.

Even volunteering for just two hours each week can lead to greater happiness and a longer lifespan.

Keep up a healthy lifestyle. Chronic illnesses and health conditions can lead to unhappiness. If possible, maintain healthy habits in order to keep your mood high, and see a doctor regularly in order to prevent chronic health conditions from worsening.

Maintain a healthy brain chemistry. Much of what makes people happy is situational, but there are also physical properties behind feelings of happiness: serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin all allow a body to feel joy and connection with others. Sometimes these chemicals can be disrupted or imbalanced, leading to depression. If none of your lifestyle changes is allowing you to create happiness, you might need to consult a doctor in order to receive the proper medication to regain your balance and your happiness.

Exercise every day. Physical activity leads to more positive feelings and can help combat negative ones.

You don't have to be a star athlete to gain the positive effects: even light activity for just 20 minutes a day can be enough to elevate your mood and feel more hopeful about life.

Always talk to your doctor before beginning a new exercise regime. Your doctor will be able to guide you to the safest way to begin exercising and make sure that you avoid injury.

Make physical contact with someone. Emotional connections with other people are essential to happiness, but physical connections also help people stay happy and emotionally healthy. Hugging, kissing, having sex with a loving partner, or just getting a massage can all trigger happy fefeeling. you are an adult in a romantic relationship, try to initiate a romantic evening with lots of positive touch. Make this physical relationship a priority, and make time for kissing, snuggling, and sexual relations.

If you are not in a romantic relationship, see if you can get a hug from a close friend. If you live far away from all your loved ones, try to get positive touch in other ways: you can get your hair done, schedule a massage, or get a manicure or pedicure.

If you are not comfortable with physical touch from other people, consider making friends with animals in need. Petting an animal can have many of the same benefits as hugging another person.

Smile. Even if you're not feeling happy, acting as if you are happy can help your feelings catch up to your facial expressions. While the effects might not be long-lasting, they can provide a short-term boost to your happiness levels.

Get a good night's sleep. Sleeping an extra hour each night is more important than money in terms of building long-lasting happiness.

Other key ingredients to sleeping well include setting up bedtime rituals (usually without screens such as computers or televisions), having a cool, dark place to sleep, avoiding too much caffeine, and minimizing stress.

Eat more fruits and vegetables. The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the happier you will feel over the long term.Eating at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day is the ideal number, but any increase in your fruit and vegetable intake will help you feel healthier and happier.

Spend time outside, especially on sunny days.Even just 20 minutes a day can make a huge difference in your mood, and the more "natural" the environment is, the better.

Try to schedule a walk or a jog in spaces that are green and open.

If you can't get outside, try imagining yourself in a peaceful, outdoor environment. You can get many of the same benefits as you would from actually being outside.

Make sure that you are maintaining your health when outdoors on sunny days. Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to minimize sunburn. And be sure that you stay hydrated when the weather is warm.

Make yourself happy by making others happy. In addition to pursuing your own happiness, you can also seek to bring joy to others. Not only will the world benefit from your helping hands, but you will too.

People who act selflessly tend to be happier and more satisfied in the long term than people who act primarily for their own gain.

Spend your money on others. Rather than spending your money solely on yourself, consider spending it on others through gifts or charitable donations. People who spend money on gifts tend to be happier than people who purchase objects for themselves.

Has anyone ever told you that money is the secret of true happiness? What about popularity, position, or fame? Do they really provide the kind of happiness and contentment that everyone longs for? Try these steps which may bring you far closer to getting truly happy! They will set you on the path to sustainable happiness whatever mental state you are currently in.

Be generous. Volunteer, practice random acts of kindness, and be generous. The act of giving always makes the heart more content with its self. Peace and selfishness do not coexist very well.

Love Yourself. Don't be too hard on you.No one is perfect. Love yourself and love life in all its forms. Be open to accept things in a positive manner.

Ignore negative comments. Remain cool and calm as a person. Ignore the negativity (negative comments, happenings, people) around you. Be understanding: many times hard feelings exist due to not understanding the other person's point of view. When you start putting yourself in the person's place you begin to understand why he says what he says and you start breaking the wall of ego.

Be friendly. Be friendly and helpful. Being friendly does not mean you have to bring home everyone you meet, but you can always put up a good front and behave warmly in front of others. When you give positive vibes, you will attract positive vibes.

Never argue. Do not enter into an argument for silly things. Nothing is worth fighting over and you cannot change other people. Remember these two rules before picking up a fight. It's not worth it after all.

Stay busy. Keep yourself busy with something constructive. But do keep some time for relaxation too.

Be yourself. Try not to compare yourself with others.

Everyone is unique in this world. Cherish the fact and feel nice about yourself. You have everything including a nice heart.

Forgive and forget. Remember that your body will experience the harmful effects of keeping anger and hatred inside you. If you forgive you will be able to forget. Forgiving may not be easy but it brings you tremendous peace. Forgive for your sake, if not theirs.

Be honest. Be honest with yourself and what you want, and what you expect from yourself and others.

It is not easy at first. If you know what you really want, then you could achieve your goals easier.

Stay calm. Being calm keeps a person from making hasty decisions. Once something is said or done, it cannot be taken back. It takes practice, so hang in there.

Remember not to take things personally. Rarely anything anyone does is about you. It is based on their own dreams and desires.

Give service to others. True happiness can only be found when you stop worrying about yourself and try to look out for those around you. Helping family members, co-workers, and friends can give your life meaning and joy. Selfishness, on the other hand, will only provide temporary pleasure. Obviously there are some aspects of life where you must focus on yourself, like your body's need for food and sleep, but only focusing on your own needs will never result in true, sustainable happiness.

Smile. Smiling is infectious. If you make yourself smile for a minute, you are using all kinds of facial muscles, and you can't help but feel good.

Do, not try. If you can accomplish even the smallest goal, it will pave the way for bigger and better things. With goals accomplished, it sends a message to yourself, that you are a winner, and can do what ever you set your mind to.

Never, ever, give up! You are unique and special in all the world. If life knocks you down get back up. Failing is not in getting knocked down, it is in staying down.

Always be true to yourself. Choose your own way of life without being pressured by anyone else. As an example of this, Barack Obama was born to a Muslim father, but chose to be a Christian and Nobel prize winner Bertrand Russel, a great advocate of peace, chose to be an atheist.

Cherish the values of love generosity courage, compassion and kindness in their own right as being worthy of getting you closer to happiness,

Be simply good it is advantageous to you as an individual, and to the human species as a whole and remember the words of Confucius' Truth and sincerity is the basis of all virtue.

Don't compare. Comparing your life against others or your past creates a lot of unhappiness, enjoy and make the most of what you have. Don't compare. Comparing your life against others or your past creates a lot of unhappiness, enjoy and make the most of what you have.

Ask questions. When you experience a thought nagging at the back of your mind, write it down as a question. This focuses your mind and helps you not become obsessed with your thoughts.

Be in the moment. Don't worry about the past and the future. contentment is reached when you make the most of the present as thinking of the past and the future will in the end just lead to disappointment.

Meditate. This does not have to be a religious practice, the intention is to give time for your worries to come up, but don't think about them just allow them to naturally pass until you achieve a calm mind. meditation is allowing your mind to become calm. You don't have to spend hours doing this 20 minutes is fine.

Get up early. Getting up early helps you avoid feeling rushed and you can relax before you go to work.

Do what you feel you should do and not what you think. A lot of us do what we think we should do and this is often influence by what we think others think we should do. Instead follow your instincts and do what you feel is

If people are negative toward you, just be friendly. Realize that being positive is a better way of life and their comments don't really matter. Let them be.

Be confident.

Be grateful for you have much more than others. Count your positives and what all you 'have' in life.

Do not be hostile. If you have a problem with someone do not approach them in hostile manner. Instead be curious, "Excuse me but I was wondering why you..." or "Can you please explain why you did/said...". Never run up to someone and be like "Why the hell did you say this...?"

Never judge others accept them when you judge others you are being negative.

Meditate for a while. It really helps getting your thoughts together.

Learn to take criticism. Criticism means fault finding. And a problem statement is often crucial and requisite to any cogent advice. Therefore, strive to put adverse emotional reactions in order and then make use of it in the best informative and practical manner.

Illness may not be the reason of sadness, but sadness may be the reason for the illness.

If you get angry, try to leave the room. Try to calm down and think of peaceful ways to deal with the situation. And stay out of arguments, fights just lead to ttrouble.