
W has some good activity.When he goes hospital he not relax here. Oneday his two Patient,they are not maintain any discipline. He told his patients, It's bad for your life. Why doesn't maintain discipline, why why!!!

slicence the room, One patient shouted, (joboko ) Doctor Doctor I've not any fault.trying maintain discipline, but it's not continue

another patient (mshaf) ,this woman said Dr. w

Doctor ,not ready for maintaining discipline in life, take some suggestions .

Few minutes, Dr. W laughed, some days, I noticed your some day, I saw you & joboko were not any discipline in your life, careless on your life,that's your health so weak then I called you & joboko.

Now listened with concentration about discipline in your life .

know what is discipline ?

Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal behavior to its society or environment it belongs. In the academic and professional worlds a discipline is a specific branch of knowledge, learning, or practice. Discipline can be a set of expectations that are required by any governing entity including the self, groups, classes, fields, industries, or societies.

Prepare to take action and decide when to begin. Actions will be the steps you must attempt to work towards your goal. After you come up with some meaningful action steps. think of a time to start your new self-discipline goal.

Responsibility-based discipline co-opts the members to understand remedies for problems in an organization.[7] Responsibility includes laying out instructions for modifying future behavior by following good role models who have earned esteem. Rewards and punishments may be ineffective without someone to administer them. Responsibility-based discipline is about mimicking the warmth, democratic decision-making in setting ground rules and problem-solving, this is while maintaining dignity and observing clear limits. Sending frequent reminders about how the member can meet the performance indicators, organizational objectives, why the rules should be adhered to, or useful advice on meeting the rules day-to-day. Obedience-based discipline is basing membership on hard work, diligence, obedience to authority, and self-discipline.

Self discipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. This skill is essential in every area of life. Though most people acknowledge its importance, few do something to strengthen it.

Contrary to common belief, building self discipline does not mean being harsh with yourself, or living a limited, restrictive lifestyle. Building this skill means using common sense, making priorities, and thinking before acting.

If thinking of ideas is something you are finding difficult, brainstorming is a helpful technique for this. You might also find that asking a family relative, friend or someone else you know useful. It's likely that you will think of multiple actions, for which you will need to include multiple rows. Take as much time as you need, and include everything you can think of.

You might plan to start today, tomorrow or a later time in the week/month. Keep your plan realistic by taking into account any time restrictions. For example, if the action happens to be "Work out each day at 6am" you are unlikely to find it helpful to work towards this goal today if it's already afternoon by the time you've thought of it.

Anticipate potential problems and strategize to overcome them. Consider any difficulties that are likely to occur with the action steps in your plan and devise a plan to handle them as they happen. For example, if you decided to pick the "Work out each day at 6am" action but know it's a pretty sure thing that when the alarm goes off you're only going to press the "snooze" button and give in to the temptation to doze off again then you could jot down something like "I'll just fall asleep again" .

Alternatively, you can think of solutions which have worked well at some stage in the past. However, if you know deep down something is highly unlikely to work as a strategy from past experience (for example, promising yourself you will talk yourself into getting up early next time when this has already failed on a number of occasions) - discard the idea.

By trying to re-use methods which already have not worked, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Move on to other ideas. For instance, it's possible that setting your alarm clock some distance away from where you sleep could be more successful in waking you up as it takes more effort to switch it off.

Update your progress report regularly and review the plan. Start your actions and implement your decided problem solving strategies at the planned times. When carrying them out, make a note of the date and whether or not the result was successful. Once the time period for your plan elapses, look through the progress comments you logged during that time.

When reviewing your plan think about what parts went well and what didn't go so well. For the things that didn't go well, ask yourself if there is anything useful you can learn from the experience(s) to move you towards your goals and incorporate this into your plan for next time.

If you have not learned anything useful from the experience, drop the current strategy and try an alternative. Return to the earlier suggested methods and think up new ideas, if you are struggling with this.

Even if you totally bombed your first attempt, it's worth it to keep pushing towards reaching your goal of becoming more self-disciplined. But, growing will require reframing mistakes into learning opportunities.

Don't put yourself down for lacking discipline. Knocking yourself for this is unlikely to help, as it's most likely it'll make you feel de-motivated and possibly even depressed (depending on the extent this habit has affected your life). Instead, bear in mind that it's not unusual to feel undisciplined and that this is an ability that can be both learned and mastered. It's just likely to take time, as with trying anything new.

Nurture yourself. Self-control can be a limited resource capable of being depleted. Certain situations can make your self-discipline waver more than others. For example, being sleep-deprived can cause you to make poor decisions and even overeat. Nourishing your mind, body, and soul should help you on your journey to better self-discipline.

Eat well-balanced meals. Ensure that you have between 3 and 5 small meals a day that include a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Get regular exercise.

Maintain a consistent level of physical activity while you are undertaking your self-discipline goals. Exercise not only puts you in a positive mood but gives you energy and motivation to accomplish tasks.

Work to reduce stress. Being stressed can take a toll on your productivity and overall health. Minimize stress by getting enough sleep, practicing self-care activities like a soothing bath or a walk in the park, or perform relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga. If you are a spiritual person, performing rituals such as prayer can also help you manage stressful situations.

Seek to convince yourself that you want to learn discipline for the purpose of believing in yourself. This is especially important if you spend a lot of time just pleasing others. It will be a lot more difficult to stay disciplined if you feel you need others to form boundaries for you or to tell you how to act and think or what to do.

What voices in your head tell you that you're unworthy or a failure? These are negative thoughts that have no basis and need to be tackled in order to introduce self care and discipline in your life. You may need counseling or it could be sufficient for you to work through your negative thoughts using mindfulness or cognitive behavioral ttechnique.

Choose an area in which to be more disciplined. In what area do you want to be more disciplined? Maybe it's work, studies, staying clean, not following a bad habit, etc

Decide that you will make the changes needed and seek to remain focused on these. Realize that this isn't going to be easy but treat it as a good challenge, not a source of difficulty or deprivation. Once you make the decision to do something, follow through no matter what. Often there will be moments when a lazy desire comes out and inhibits your work. Remember that these feelings are normal, and even the biggest achievers have them.

Choose to behave and act with temperance. Human behavioral traits are influenced by cultures, divergent attitudes, emotions, different values, and other social norms within a person's group or community. Be sure to behave politely and with a common sense in all situations.

Divide work into small and achievable pieces.

Sit for no more than an hour at a time. Get up, stretch and walk around. Give your body and your mind a break. You will come back to any task refreshed and physically relaxed.

Keep yourself neat and clean. This will not only benefit you, but it will also make you feel good. Cleanliness makes a big difference in how you feel emotionally and it will make your environment better and fresher for you. There are many articles on how to accomplish this available on this site and elsewhere

Use appropriate gestures. Communicate eloquently and assertively, and use appropriate gestures when there is a need to do so. Do not shout or use intensifiers in your speech. Discipline in the subtle arts of communication can make a difference in the discipline you exhibit in the more noticeable areas of your life.

Realize that others may try to deter you. There will always be someone who benefits from your lack of discipline and when you make it clear that you're changing this, it threatens them. Be alert to attempts to divert you from your new path and desire to stick to it. Listen to them, be polite but don't act on their delay or diversion tactics. Stick with what you know is better for you.

The most obvious and direct way to become disciplined is through the practice of suitable exercises. This has been covered extensively, in my book on this topic.

Here are a few suggestions to develop your self discipline:

Think and consider the consequences of your action before you act.

Wait for a few moments before reacting in anger.

Set small goals and plans that you can carry out during the day. Stick with them, until you carry them out, despite the tendency to procrastinate or give up. This will give you, in time, the strength to handle bigger goals and plans,

In every area of your life, do not give up easily if you encounter obstacles.

Pay attention on what you are doing, instead of thinking about other matters.

When studying, working or exercising, strive to avoid any distractions.

Try to be courageous enough to get out of your comfort zone.

When feel you want to quit, just continue for some more time.

Make some small plans for the day, and strive to carry them through.

As you see, there are many ways to improve your self discipline.

would like to repeat what I said earlier, and mention a few more benefits of being disciplined.

Being disciplined would help to:

Avoid acting rashly and on impulse.

Carry out the promises and decisions you make to yourself and to others.

break a bad habit.

Make wise and healthy choices.

Overcome the tendency to laziness and procrastination.

Improve your ability to concentrate.

Continue working on a project, even after the initial rush of enthusiasm has faded away.

Exercising, going for a walk, or hitting the gym.

Continue working on your diet, and resisting the temptation of eating fattening foods.

It will give you the inner strength to get out of bed in the morning promptly, even if it is cold.

Overcome the habit of watching too much TV.

To better understand this topic, here are a few definitions.

Self discipline means self-control, the ability to avoid unhealthy excess of anything that could lead to negative consequences.

It is the ability to forgo instant gratification, in favor of some greater gain.

It means perseverance and not giving up.

The strength not to give in to negative feelings.

It means overcoming one's weaknesses.

It is the ability to pursue one plans despite temptations to abandon them.

Delayed gratification in favor of accomplishing long term goals.

A disciplined person is more punctual than other people. Such a person is more likely to take control and responsibility for his or her life. He or she can set goals and take concrete steps to achieve them.

Discipline can be explained as training which will develop ones moral character and helps to produce a particular type of behavior. Training which helps the individual to correct, improve the overall conditions, moral character with the change in behavioral pattern of the individual. Discipline is an essential part of our life. In fact without discipline life we cannot work smoothly. Parents, elders of the family and the teachers are the first persons to introduce the sense of discipline to the children. Discipline must be learning t from the early stages of life. Discipline ensures the smooth flow of life without putting hindrance to the individual's liberty. Discipline teaches us to be systematic towards achieving our goal of life.

Discipline can be explained as training which will develop ones moral character and helps to produce a particular type of behavior. Training which helps the individual to correct, improve the overall conditions, moral character with the change in behavioral pattern of the individual. Discipline is an essential part of our life. In fact without discipline life we cannot work smoothly. Parents, elders of the family and the teachers are the first persons to introduce the sense of discipline to the children. Discipline must be learning t from the early stages of life. Discipline ensures the smooth flow of life without putting hindrance to the individual's liberty. Discipline teaches us to be systematic towards achieving our goal of life.

The self disciplined person knows when to speak and how to speak. They are more in control of themselves, thus having better judgment and being better able to handle situations. They do not get into trouble for indulging in immoral or unlawful activities, and are known to choose their words carefully when they speak. Violent outbursts of any kind of emotion are not a strong suit for anyone, and a disciplined person knows how to keep things from becoming ugly.

disciplined person is no exempt from their fair share of problems, but they are better at handling them. A long life of rules and discipline makes them adept at handling tough situations and thinking with a clear head in times of stress. They are not used to flip every time things don't go their way; instead, they are accustomed to sitting down, thinking, and analyzing the situation.

You become more likeable: When you are disciplined, you become a more likeable person because your attitude improves and your lifestyle is stable. Sure, it is fun when you are young and having a great party every other night, but it doesn't bode well when you continue that lifestyle into your late twenties and beyond. It is not good to live a life without a routine, unstable employment, and lacking in life skills when you are an adult and expected to be a responsible member of the society. Living a more disciplined life immediately attracts more people because you are seen as a truly trustworthy, dependable person. And people are more comfortable around you when you are known for your calmness and composure.

Discipline is one of the most important and useful attributes that a person can have. Right from our childhood, we are taught discipline in a variety of ways and by almost everyone around us: at home, in school, and even in the playground. The school hours teach us about punctuality, and at home, we learn about table manners at the dinner table