Memories - Part 1

It was a cold spring as if winter still had its grasps over Seattle. Despite that, it was rare for it to be quite sunny, with little clouds in the desolate sky. As it should be, Sanders stared outside, inside his father's car as he drove off the busy highway, and onto a street that led to the Space Needle. He was in awe, as his father stopped behind the apartments of it, and telling his son to stay inside.

Sanders just watched, as his father made his way inside, before looking both ways before entering the premise. Sanders just waited patiently, as he watched traffic zoom by past the parked vehicle. His father liked to stop here often, but he never questioned why.

It was in that moment he heard a loud bang, and quickly looked towards the building, despite seeing nothing from it. He laid back in his seat calmly, before he heard a door rush open, and his father rushing towards the car, holding a small bag, although there were specks of red dots on the outside.

"Everything good?" he quickly asked him, shutting the door, and igniting the engine instantly.

"Yeah, I'm fine" the boy replied back, as they sped off away from the scene as if they were never there.


Several hours had passed, as Sanders had just finished his literature homework on the history of Dunderspeare, as he packed it up to turn it in the next day. Getting out of his seat, he left his room in their one-story home staring at the television his father was watching. He could tell he was on the "berries", as his father was nodding his head in agreement towards a conversation that didn't exist. What did peak his attention, was the facts that the television was displaying.

"And just in, there appears to be a small but controlled outbreak of some illness near Everett. We are told that its effects are currently minor, and that all known that are infected have been detained or those that have been exposed. In case of further spread, please wear a mask in the area, and stay calm as everything will be under control, according to the U.S national government. If any new developments appear, we shall inform you of those changes." the newswoman reported.

"Now, let's get back to our local Seattle racecar driver, who's heading to the nation-" the newsman next to her began to announce before Sanders just walked away from the television to get something to eat.

What was happening? An illness spreading? He wanted no part of that, as he shook his head in worry, before opening the refrigerator to make himself some type of dinner again for the week.