Jealous prof

someone fell in stairs I was about to help that girl when someone helped her " kleny are you alright? " that boy again " yes " she said then smile. I was jealous that sweet smile was mine only mine. I walk to them and shout " hey!! boy do you have class,didn't you? " I said he nodded " yes sir,we have...please excuse us " kleny said with lovely voice I think she distance her self from me and I feel sad for that. " wait kleny...can we talk? " I said while holding her arms " kleny... I'll go first... I'll wait for you,okay? " the boy said. " what you do you want from me? " she said without looking at my eyes " look at me...kleny look at my eyes " I said " we are in school if someone see us like this...they will spread rumors about us..I don't want to be involve " she said then walk. " then meet me at the café we always met before... I'll wait for you " I said but she didn't respond. I need to go to my next class Which is business and management class. " everyone have you enjoy your lunch? " I asked my students and they all respond " yes sir. " they said I look at kleny and she has no expression to express and that boy sit beside her. " you little boy,stand up " I pointed the boy beside kleny " what's your name?...I didn't see you last time here in my class " I said while glaring at him. " I am Kristofferson madrigal...varsity player I'm sorry if I came late...we have an emergency meeting about this coming play but don't worry I have excuse letter from my coach I'll hand it you later " he said with hesitation. I think he is pretty famous her because he is a varsity player. "is that really your seat? because there is still an empty seat in the back so you can sit there " I even slipped him to leave next to kleny but he just shook his head and said "I can't see what's on the board if I'm in the back so I'm sorry" then he smiled " you are lucky, I am your teacher today if not I slapped you "I whispered to myself I just sigh and glare at him " okay class let's proceed " I said and sigh again " sir are you okay? " Loraine ask I see in her face that she is concern,I smiled at her and said " yeah I'm okay. I feel little dizzy but I can make it " he walked towards me and put my hand on his shoulder then helped me walk to the clinic " how can we learn that if you are dizzy sir. get well first, maybe because of jealousy so you feel dizzy HAHAHAHAH " she said then laugh so hard I feel so much nervous " wait, what did you say? I'm jealous? to whom? " I pretend I didn't know she glare at me then laugh " what do you and kleny have in common? I can see in your eyes that you love her " she said seriously,I turned around to see if anyone could hear us " Just lower your voice so that no one can hear you " I said then i covered her mouth " yeah I love her so much... but we broke up ... I want her back so here I am,i wants to court her again in case someone seems to be flirting with her. " I said sadly, I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me and said " I that case I can help you...let's pretend to be a couple in front of her but what can I get after that? " she smiles widely " what do you want? " I said seriously " let me think about what I want first... let's starts that pretending now " she said then smiled. " don't act too Obviously, she might suspect that we are just pretending " I reminded her " Where is the nurse we have been waiting for here before but no one is coming in yet "I said "HAHAHAHA no one is really coming in here because I said we are just looking for something " she laughed "You're really crazy." Then I got up and walked to the classroom " oh! sir are you alright? maybe you should take a rest first " my student asked worriedly " yeah!... don't worry I'm okay now.. just take a sit and keep quiet I will not do the lesson today, just do what you want to do " I said then smile " don't worry classmates,I am a good nurse ask him " Loraine pointed me and smile I smile back to her " ayiiiiii " the class tease us " yeah..she is a good doctor... thank you " I smiled at her " have a seat...please " I pointed the chair beside me. " that's my pleasure to seat beside you " she smile and seat beside me. " alright... Loraine 1 point!! " someone shouted and everyone tease us we laugh together and I secretly looked at kleny she looks like jealous " Come closer I will whisper something to you "I said she brought his head close to mine " look at kleny,she looks like have a great idea thank you...I'll treat you something later " I said then smile she smiles back she looks so beautiful with that smile " thank you... after class I know place that sell really good food." she said I don't know why my heart pound I think it's because I see kleny jealous or I see Loraine smile at me.