The Meeting

In the middle night, Serai heard a knock on the window right next to her bed she got up and looked out the window, surprised to see Lunar sitting on the ledge of the window on the outside. she opened the window.

"Lunar what are you doing here?" Serai asked in shock.

"You left your bag, and I wanted to give it back, sorry if I woke you," he whispered, handing her the bag, she grabbed the bag and set it down on the edge of her bed.

"Well I got to go back to the forest but I'm happy you got your bag back," he whispered before jumping off the window seal and running into the forest. she closed the window with a smile and went back to bed.

In the morning when Serai woke up, she started to pack her things, getting ready to meet up with Lunar again. When she was done, she started to head out the door when her mom stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?" her mom asked in a stern voice. She never talked like that; only when she was really mad, Serai was shocked.

"O-on a walk." Serai stuttered.

"Really, where are you going? Same place as yesterday?" Leesa asked. 'why is she asking so many questions?' Serai thought, starting to get annoyed.

"yea, just a walk around town," Serai answered.

"I'll ask you again, where are you going, and where did you go yesterday?" Leesa said again, in an even more stern voice. Serai started to shake a bit. 'did she find out about Lunar?' The thought sent shivers down her spine. 'No, there's no way.'

"I told you, I went to town yesterday, and I'm going to town today!" Serai said, raising her voice.

"Really, cause David said he saw you meet someone in the forest. Is this true?" Leesa asked. Serai was shocked, 'David? he's the postman, what was he doing close enough to see me go into the forest? There's no houses that close to the forest.' She thought, and before she could say anything, Leesa sent Serai to her room. Serai stormed up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door behind her and locking it.

"This is horrible!" Serai whispered into her pillow, 'what if I never see him again.' the thought made her cry. When Serai woke up, she had dry tears on her face and pillow. She looked around, it was late, around 1:30 she guessed, she picked up her phone and looked at the time, it was 1:43, 'I wonder if Lunars up?' She thought, and within minutes, she was dressed and heading out the window to go and find Lunar. 'I have to see him again, even if it's just to say goodbye.' Serai thought, running as fast as she could into the forest. When she got to the field she wasn't surprised to see that he wasn't there, she kept running.

"He always walks this way when he leaves" She mumbled to herself. Serai started to cry again when she thought of never seeing him again. She could feel branches hitting her face as she ran. then she hit something solid, causing her to fall back. She looked up and saw an elf, but, it wasn't Luner, It was a different elf, and he didn't look friendly. He had short brown hair, almost black, and beautiful dark blue eyes, and he was very tall. Serai looked up at him, and he growled, showing his teeth, his canines were slightly longer than human teeth.

"What is a human like you doing out in the forest, especially at night?" He growled, reaching down to grab Serai. Serai flinched and closed her eyes, still crying. As he grabbed her, she heard Lunar's voice.

"Serai? What are you doing here?" he said in shock.

"You know this human?!" the other elf said in disbelief.

"Y-yea, she's the one I've been meeting up with"

"Oh," the elf said, letting go of Serai.

"Lunar!" Serai quickly got up and hugged him tightly.

"Serai, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Lunar sounded worried.

"I'll finish patrol, meet me at camp when you come back," the other elf said as he quietly sprinted off.

"Tell me what happened, why did you come out to the forest at night?" Lunar asked, Serai told him everything, and Lunar comforted her, and they talked for a few hours.

"You should probably go home, its gonna be morning soon," Lunar stated as he looked at the sky.

"yea, I guess" Serai responded

"Bye, and don't worry, we'll figure something out," Lunar said, smiling at Serai

"yea, I'll see you soon then, bye."

When she got back, she crawled back in through her window, and when she turned around she saw her mother, sitting on her bed.

"So I really can't stop you from going, can I?" Leesa said in a sad voice. Serai thought for a second before answering,

"No, you cant," She said looking at her mom. Leesa sighed.

"Fine, I won't stop you from meeting them." Serai side with relief.

"but I wanna meet the person you've been seeing,"

"So you want me to ask him to meet you?" Asked Serai


"Fine," 'at least I still get to see him,'

"Can I meet up with him later today?" Serai asked.

"Yes but don't come back too late," her mom answered

"Thanks!" After a few hours of sleeping, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door towards the forest. After a bit of walking, Serai arrived at the clearing where they meet up. and he was waiting for her in the middle of the clearing

"Not in a tree this time?" she asked with amusement.

"No, not this time" he laughed

"How did it go with your mom?"

"It went surprisingly well," Serai said

"that's great. See I told you that there was nothing to worry about." Lunar grabbed Serai's hand.

"Well, come with me, I have a special activity today," he says as he leads her to a tall ponderosa tree and helps her up to the first branch and all the way up. When they made their way up to the very top of the tree, there was a large branch where they sat down together.

"The view is beautiful here!" said Serai, she could almost see the whole forest. They spent some time up there just enjoying the view. 'Oh, right, I have to tell Lunar about my mum wanting to meet him; hopefully he says yes.'

"M-my mum wants to meet you, do you think she can meet you at the edge of the forest tomorrow?" serai asked, waiting for his response, hoping he would say yes.

"Sure, I'd be happy to meet her!" He smiled,

"R-really?" Serai was shocked.

"Ya of course!"


After what seemed like no time at all, she had to go home.

"bye! I'll see you tomorrow, with my mum."

"Can't wait!" Lunar said, smiling at her. Serai went home, ready to tell her mom that she can meet him.

"mom I'm home!" she yelled.

"Welcome back, so what did he say about meeting me?" She asked,

"We're gonna go meet him at the tree line tomorrow," Serai said excitingly.

"Good, now let's eat!". After eating Serai went to bed nervous about how tomorrow could go.

In the morning serai packed her camera and headed to the living room surprised to see her mom already ready to go.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yeah let's go". They went to the edge of the forest to see lunar sitting on a branch with someone else.

"Hey lunar! on a tree again?" Serai giggled,

"who's this?" She asked.

"This is my father, Moon," he said jumping off the tree.

"It is excellent to meet you miss Serai, my son has talked a lot about you," he said with a little bow "I'm happy to meet you too. This is my mom, Leesa." She said looking at her mom,

"Nice to meet you," Lessa replied.

"you too!". Lunar, Serai, Leesa, and Moon talked till sunset then, Leesa and Serai had to leave.

By the time they got home, Leesa started to make food while Serai went to her room and hung up the pictures that she made today on her pinboard, while she was doing that, she noticed a picture hanging on the board, it was of her and her friend Issa she remembered back to when she made that picture, tears started to roll down her face as she hugged the picture. she sat down in the corner of her room hugging the picture with tears running down her face.

"Hunny foods ready" her mom looked through the door and saw Serai sitting in the corner,

"what's wrong?" she asked, sitting down next to her

"you miss Issa don't you?" She said when she saw the picture, Serai nodded. After Leesa calmed Serai down they ate dinner and went to bed.