The Spring

In the morning, Serai woke up to the sound of Aster, Berk, Rose, and Lunar talking right outside of the tent. When she got up and went outside, the air was chilling and frost was lining the grass

"you guys are up early," she yawned. "It's like six in the morning."

"Yea we're on morning hunt do you want to come?" Lunar asked

"sure, where are we going?" Sarai could see her breath as she spoke.

"Just around the forest side," answered Rose.

"here," Lunar handed Serai a fur coat,

"Thanks, it's freezing," Serai said, taking the coat.

"You're welcome. Now let's go and get the bow's." They went over to a small hut and Birk went in and started to give everyone a bow with a bundle of arrows,

"uh sorry but I don't know how to use a bow," Serai said as she gave the bow and arrows back to Birk.

"No, keep it, Lunar can show you how."

"Oh, ok." They walked in the woods for quite some time before they found anything. The first thing they found was an elk, Aster was the one to spot it. He quickly gestured with his hands for everybody else to go to the other side, Serai hid in a bush next to Birk so she could watch. Birk pulled out his bow so silent that not even she could hear, and just before he could shoot a flock of birds flew into the sky and the elk looked up and spotted Birk and ran towards Aster, and he sprang up and shot it with on shot and it fell to the ground limply.

"Stupid birds," Luner said crawling out of his hiding spot.

"Well at least we caught it," said Rose jumping out of the tree she was hiding in.

"ya great shot by the way," Birk said as he put away his bow.


"wow, you guys are really good at this" Serai said trying to crawl out of the bush she was hiding in,

"Can someone help, I'm kinda stuck." Everyone laughed,

"no like, really I'm stuck,"

"Sorry, here," Lunar said, reaching his hang out, still laughing. They waited there till the morning patrol came to pick up their catch.

"you guys can go-ahead I'm gonna stay here and teach Serai how to use the bow," Lunar explained.

"Ok, I guess we'll see you at camp then".

"Ok so you hold the bow like this, and you put your hand right here, and right here, now you try." She took the bow from him and held it like he did "like this?"

"Yeah. Now you aim by aligning your eye with the arrow, try."

"Ok" she tried to aim at a tree but missed,

"here," Lunar said stepping behind her, he placed his hands on hers.

"Like this" he pulled back and shot it in the middle of the tree. They practiced till she could hit the tree and by then, it was time to go back to camp. When they got back, the others were waiting for them.

"Hey, we were wondering if you guys wanted to go to the spring on the top of the mountain to swim with us," Rose asked.

"Sure I'll go, what about you Serai?" Lunar asked.

"Sorry, but I don't have a swimsuit with me,"

"Oh you can borrow some of mine if you like, I have extra," Rose offered.

"Thanks!". After they got their stuff ready they started to head up to the spring. Throughout the whole walk, Birk was making funny jokes and making everyone laugh, he was obviously the comedian of the group. when they got to the spring, Serai was amazed at how beautiful it was. It was a large hole in the ground about twenty feet in with and fifteen feet in length, and it was surrounded by smooth rocks about ten feet above the water, and the only way to get it was to jump from the rocks or a set of steps on the other side of the spring, the water was crystal clear and about ten feet deep in some parts, and five in others.

"Rose, go show Serai where to change, we'll meet you at the spring," Lunar said.

"Ok, this way Serai," Rose grabbed Serai's hand and led her into a small cave by the side of the spring.

"This is where we change. Here" Rose said, tossing Serai a soft leather two-piece bathing suit.

"Thanks." After they talked and got dressed they headed to the spring.

"The others aren't here yet, let's go in!" Rose jumped into the water with a splash.

"Come on!" before Serai could go in the guys came and immediately Birk and Aster dived in as well,

"Are you gonna go in?" Lunar asked.

"ya, I'm gonna use the steps though" but before she could think Lunar grabbed her and jumped in, water surrounded her as she held her breath and Lunar swam them both back up to the surface.

"Lunar what was that for!" she asked

"haha sorry I couldn't help it."

"Come and jump off the rock with me," Rose said to Serai.

"Ok let's go" they walked up to the rock to jump again and the others followed

"don't push me off this time," Serai told Lunar with amusement, and Rose and Serai dived off into the water headfirst and swam to the steps to go again, by the time they got to the top of the rock Birk and Aster just jumped off and Lunar was waiting for them to swim to the side so he could follow 'this is my chance,' Serai thought before rushing at him and pushing him, it took her by surprise when he was ready for her and turning around he grabbed her and pulled her down with him.

"Eh!?" Serai reacted in shock before they hit the water causing a huge splash. When she got up to the surface of the water she could hear everyone laughing.

"You should know by now that no one can sneak up on my brother," Rose said in-between laughter.

"That was the funniest thing I've seen all day!" said Birk out of breath from laughing,

"ya, ya it wasn't that funny," Serai responded swimming back to the steps.

"Good try maybe next time" giggled Lunar also swimming to the steps. After they swam for a bit, they got dressed and sat on the rocks talking and enjoying the warm sun.

"Well it's probably time for me to go back, it's almost lunch" stated Serai,

"Oh well it was nice meeting you, I hope you can come back soon," said Aster.

"ya, maybe next time we can go to the lake or something" Birk suggested.

"ya I'm so happy I finally met you," Rose hugged Serai.

"Yeah me too. Hay Lunar can you walk me back to the clearing I don't think I know the way back."

"Sure, I'll meet you guys at camp" he grabbed his stuff, then they were on their way to the clearing. Only when they got to the clearing did they stop.

"Hey, thanks so much for inviting me, I had so much fun today, and I hope we can do it again soon," Serai said, giving Lunar a hug.

"No problem, I had fun too and I think everyone else did as well."

"Bye Lunar I'll see you tomorrow!" She said as she waved at Lunar. When she got home she ate lunch and told her mom what she did the past few days, and went to her room to hang up the pictures she took. When she was done, she laid in her bed and thought about the past day with Lunar, Rose, Birk, and Aster. 'Birk and Aster are so funny!' she thought thinking about all the times they made everyone laugh with jokes. 'And I'm happy Rose is so welcoming to me.' Thoughts swarm in her head about the past two days till she couldn't fight the sleepiness anymore and fell asleep.