Only me and you know about this place

In the morning Serai woke up next to Emma, Mia, and Ava. 'I might as well make breakfast for everyone before I go to Lunar's place.' she thought. After a bit of cooking, Mia, Emma, and Ava finally woke up.

"Morning!" Serai greeted them.

"Why are you up so early? You were never a morning person." Mia asked, yawning.

"Well I thought I could make breakfast, and I'm also going to Lunars later today to spend the night" Serai explained.

"Well you know me, I'm always up for pancakes!" Emma stated,

"You're always up for anything if it's food," Ava laughed.

"They're almost ready, so go sit down I'll bring them over there,"

"So your meeting with Lunar again today?" Ava asked,

"Yea I've been meeting with every day so far, and this is the second I've stayed over at his place, he also has a really nice sister named Rose, and two friends, Birk and Aster. Birk's really funny, and Aster's pretty cool too."

"Just be careful, I don't trust him" Mia mumbled,

"haha that's not surprising, you don't trust anyone but us and your mom," Ava stated, laughing a little bit.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"haha don't be embarrassed, it's fine" stated Emma.

"Plus you can trust him," said Serai.

After a bit, Emma's mom came to pick them up.

"bye! see ya later," said Ava,

"be careful," stated Mia,

"ya, ya I'll be fine."

"ba-bye, can't wait to see you again!" replied Emma. After they left, Serai got dressed in warmer clothes and got ready to meet with Lunar 'I should probably bring a swimsuit and extra close' she thought. After packing she got her camera and headed out

"bye sweaty, be careful! I love you!" said Lessa

"bye, mom I love you too." By the time she got to the clearing, the winds began to pick up and she wondered if he would come. 'I should have brought a better jacket. I could go back and get one' she thought 'no I don't want to keep him waiting'. Not long after she arrived Lunar and the others came.

"hey, Serai!"

"hey guys!" Serai replied.

"Good to see you again!" Rose hugged Serai,

"Yeah, you too".

"hear, I know you wouldn't bring a jacket so I brought one for you, now let's go, the cave with the spring isn't too far from here" stated Lunar, giving Serai the fur coat.

"Thanks." When they got to the cave it was just like the other crystal cave, it had glowing gems alining the walls but this one only had one tunnel, and it was strangely warm.

"Why is it so warm in here?" Serai asked.

"The reason it's warm is because it's a volcano, but don't worry it won't blow up it's just enough to make it warm" answered Lunar.

"So is the water here warm too?" She asked,

"not as warm as the hot springs but it's not cold either" replied Rose.

"It's just the right temperature is what she's trying to say," said Aster,

"hey I made that point clear!" replied Rose,

"not exactly" stated Birk,

"I think she did a good job at explaining," Aster said


"Oh, so you picking her side now?" Birk said to Aster. Serai couldn't help but laugh a little at the now three arguing friends. Serai walked up a little so she was at Lunars side,

"hey, so how are you today?" she asked,

"I'm good, especially now that we're all together again, even though some of us are fighting," he said glancing back and smirking at the three arguing in the back.

"it's kinda funny how they can go from happy to arguing so quick." She stated,

"ya, it is kinda funny," he said wrapping his arm around her. After a bit of walking in the glowing tunnel, they got to a large cave, and in the middle of the cave was a pool with glowing crystals in it, the same crystals that were lining the cave walls. The pool was about fifteen feet wide, ten feet long, and 15 feet deep in most places, and deeper in others, and the pool was the shape of an oval. Around the pool was about three feet of space between the walls and the water, in the back of the cave, were two tunnels leading into two other caves.

"Wow, it's so pretty" stated Serai

"yep, and the caves in the back is where we change," Rose told Serai. Rose headed to the cave and Serai fallowed to get dressed, the smaller cave was about seven feet in width and length, and it had small rock benches lining the walls. When Rose and Serai were done changing, they went back out to the bigger cave.

"We beat the boys yet again," Rose told Serai,

"I thought girls were supposed to take longer changing" Serai laughed.

"Wanna jump in together?" Rose asked.

"you know it!" Rose and Serai held hands and jumped in. When Serai fully emerged into the water, she opened her eye's to see beautiful crystals surrounding her, when her eyes focused, she thought that she could see a young girl looking at her, but when Serai blinked, the girl was gone 'what the fuck was that!' Serai thought to her self but before she could think anymore she could feel her lungs aching for air so she swam back up.

"you finally came up, I was starting to worry about you, you were just staring into space for a bit" Rose stated when Serai got back up.

"yea I just thought I saw something, but it was probably nothing," she answered, staring into the water.

"yea it was probably nothing," Rose answered, and before either of them could say anything else, the boys walked into the cave and dived in.

"Hey, come with me Serai," said Lunar pulling Serai away from everyone else "what?" asked Serai.

"I want to show you something, but it's underwater so hold your breath" he explained, and before she could reply Lunar grabbed her and swam underwater to the bottom of the spring, at the bottom was a small cave about the size of the changing cave, and when they went in, they swam up and at the top was another cave like the one that Rose and the others were in. When they got to the surface of the water Lunar let go of Serai and pulled himself onto land

"here, grab my hand," he told Serai reaching out his hand

"This place is awesome!" Serai stated in awe. The cave had glowing crystals just like the other one, but it also had glowing roots on the roof and small thin glowing vines hanging down from the roof, some went all the way to the ground and some stopped halfway.

"Only I know about this place, and now you do too. Here's a jacket, it'll be cold" he explained taking her hand and leading her into a tunnel. After a bit of walking Serai could feel the cold fresh air coming from the other end of the tunnel and before she knew it, they came to a cliffside.

"Wow, the view here is astounding," she said looking off the side of the cliff, the ground was a few hundred feet down.

"We're pretty far up"

"yea, I hope you don't mind" Lunar replied as he sat down on the edge,

"No, not at all!" Serai responded.

"Come sit with me, this is one of the best places to see the view, that's why I brought you here, I noticed that you really liked the view at the hot springs so I thought you would like the view here too. Do you?" he asked

"Of course, it's gorgeous here! Anyone that wouldn't like the view would be crazy!" she answered sitting next to him. They sat there for a couple of hours just talking and enjoying the view, till they had to go back to camp.