Maybe you should stay

Serai felt as if her heart skipped a beat. 'What?! This can't be!' she thought

"Rose what do you mean? I'm real" Lunar said, still in shock.

"My brothers dead! He died trying to save you!" she explained pointing at Serai.

"W-what!?" Serai felt as if she was having a bad dream that she couldn't wake up from. 'This can't be! I would have remembered something like that!'

"What do you mean, he's standing right in front of you. How could you deny it?" Aster looked confused.

"How can we know that your not the illusion and just trying to trick us into turning against our teammates?" Birk looked around cautiously as he spoke.

"She is telling the truth. You guys just haven't been there yet." A voice echoed around the walls.

"And who are you?" Lunar asked, looking around trying to locate where the voice was coming from.

"I am nothing. Just a lost spirit that died in this very cave, and now I can never leave."

"What do you mean we haven't been there yet?" Asked Birk

"Do you know what's wrong with my sister?!" Lunar asked, instantly jumping up.

"Yes. If I told you, you wouldn't believe me though" the voice replied.

"Please, if you know what's wrong and how to change it, tell us. We promise we'll believe you" Serai begged.

"She is not at the right time."

"What do you mean?" Lunar asked.

"The present her, and the future her switched bodies, and what she remembers is what will happen in the future. And there is no way to change it back." Replied the voice.

"How far in the future?" Lunar asked, seaming a little more at ease.

"I can't tell. Ask her." said the voice.

"What do you last remember? What time was it?" Birk tried to ask Rose.

"I-I don't know, it was a couple of days after we got out of this place and the same day that." Rose waited a few seconds till she finished her sentence.

"it's ok, right now we just have to focus on getting out of here," Lunar said turning over to Rose once more.

"You said we escaped, do you know the way out?"

"Yes, follow me," said Rose as she walked over to one of the tunnels and led all of them through several twists and turns a finally they got to a dead end, but Rose kept walking.

"Come on Rose, we have to turn around," explained Birk.

"We probably made a wrong turn or something."

"No we're on the right track" Rose insisted. And as Rose walked over to the wall, she stopped right in front of it and took a deep breath, and continued walking.

"Come on," she told the others.

"But there's nowhere to g-" Lunars sentence was cut short as Rose stepped into the wall and disappeared behind it.

"wow" Serai let out a gasp of amazement as she followed. And when she stepped onto the other side, she could see a huge cave so high she couldn't see the top of it. And it had only a small ledge around the walls with a huge hole in the center, and in the middle of the cave was a huge waterfall coming from the roof, and going straight to the ground about a thousand feet down, and at the bottom was a pool.

"Wow," Serai let out a sigh of aw.

"This place is gorges!" And soon after, Lunar, Birk, and Aster joined them


"Once we get to the other side of the cave there's a cave with a sandy floor, that's where we spend the night," Rose explained.

"And how do you expect us to get to the other side?" asked Birk "do you expect us to fly?"

"no, we will walk on the edge, it's dangerous, but I know everyone gets across safely" Rose explained already heading to the edge.

"We can't do this, it's too risky" Aster tried to talk Lunar out of it as he looked down at the bottom of the large hole and some rocks fell from where he was standing, but Lunar wouldn't change his mind.

"If Rose says that this is the way out, then we follow her. Serai, stay close behind me." He added once he started walking on the edge. Serai nodded at him and started to walk as closely behind him without touching him. When they got to the other side of the cave, there was a cave with sandy floors just like Rose had explained.

"It's just like the one we slept in the other night," Serai told Lunar.

"yea it is."

"We'll dig a hole and go to sleep so were rested in the morning"

"When will we get out?" Serai asked.


"That soon!?" Lunar stated in shock.


"Well, then we should go to sleep," Lunar stated.

"Right, goodnight."

In the morning, they set off as soon as everyone was up, but all Serai could think about is how Rose said Lunar was gonna die.

'surely he wouldn't?' she thought. 'Rose probably got something wrong'.

"Are you ok?" Lunar asked, "you look sad".

"I-I'm fine. I'm just thinking" she told Lunar.

"Ok. Well we'll be out today, I'm sure you're happy to go home"

"yea" Serai responded. But she wasn't thinking about that.

'How could I think about going home when I know that Lunar gonna die! And in a couple of days! Why is no one thinking about this?' She asked herself. 'I have to talk to Rose about this!' By the time it was around noon, Serai started to think Rose was wrong, and that they weren't gonna get out today, but every time she looked at Rose and saw how confident she was, Serai would start to gain hope once more. After a bit of time, Rose stopped at a dead end.

"Why did we stop?" Asked Lunar.

"This is it." Rose's reply was so silent that Serai almost couldn't hear it.

"Really!?" Serai could barely believe it! they were finally gonna be out again! But suddenly, something stopped her from celebrating with the others. 'the second we step out of this cave, we will be one step closer to Lunars death' she thought sorrowfully, almost starting to want to stay in the cave. Serai saw that Rose looked just as sorrowful, and she could tell it was about the same thing.

"Maybe it would be best for you to stay hear Lunar," Rose declared out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I'm talking about what's gonna happen in a couple of days"

"I agree. If you stay here, we can visit you and bring you things, but if you come with us, you might die" Serai said, stepping over to stand with Rose. Lunar sighed.

"I know you think I might die if I come with you, but that doesn't mean you can just keep me locked away forever."

"He has a point, plus who knows if that's really gonna happen" Birk added. Serai and Rose looked at each other and Serai knew that they were thinking the same thing, 'This is not gonna end up well.' But before either of them could say anything else Lunar stepped through the fake wall and out of the cave.

"wait!" Rose yelled after him as she followed him, And soon enough so did everyone else as well.