A relative

It had been a day since the lake incident, and Lunar still hadn't woken up. Serai was worried about him, the other elves managed to save him, but they didn't know when he would wake up.

"Hey Serai, you should eat," Rose broke Serais train of thought, giving her a bowl of food, but Serai didn't feel like eating.

"I got news from the older elves. Lunar just woke up," Rose told Serai.

"Really!" Serai sprang up, almost spilling the bole of food Rose gave her.

"Yea, however, they're not letting anyone see him till he's recovered his strength," Rose said.

"Oh" Serai let out a sigh of disappointment.

"They did say by tomorrow he should be strong enough for visitors" Serai felt a lot better now that she knew that he was gonna be alright.

"Well, that's one problem solved" Rose stated. Serai didn't need to ask what she meant, Serai already knew. Though their first problem was solved with Lunar waking up, they still had no idea where her mom was, or why she left. They already went into the town and asked around, but nobody knew who she was or where she went. Serai sighed, 'mom, where are you?' She wondered.

In the morning, Serai sprang out of bed, remembering what Rose said the day before, that Lunar was able to have visitors now. By the time she got to the tent that Lunar was staying in, she wasn't the only one. Rose was there and so were Birk and Aster. When it was finally her turn to visit him she got into the tent, and busted out into tears, and leaped onto him.

"I was so worried that you were gonna die!" Serai held Lunar tight.

"Well I'm ok now, you don't have to worry" He comforted her. Serai felt slightly as if it was her fault this mess happened, but luckily, it was all over now. Serai and Lunar talked for a couple of hours, till it was lunchtime.

"Are you gonna come out and have lunch with us?" Serai asked.

"Yea, I might as well" He responded, getting out of bed. When they got to the clearing that everyone usually had lunch, everyone greeted him.

"Lunar, Serai! We saved some seats for you guys!" Birk called them from where he was standing, Rose and Aster were with him as well.

"Were happy your back out" As Rose spoke, it looked as if she was about to cry.

"Have you found anything out about your mom?" Lunar Asked Serai.

"No, not yet. We tried asking people in the town, but no one knew." Serai responded.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow we can go look together. The other elves said I'm Good to leave tonight" Lunar stated.

"Ok, sounds good" Serai responded.

"wait, so you'll be back in our tent tonight?" Rose asked.

"Yea, I will"

"Cool! We should combine our tents, so we can all sleep together on his first night back" Birk said.

"If Lunars ok with it, we don't want to overwhelm him" Rose stated, looking over to Lunar.

"I'm cool with it."

"Ok, when we're done eating, let's get started!" Aster announced.

Just like Aster had said, as soon as they were done eating, they started working on combining their tents. It was a lot of work, but in the end, it turned out good. Plus, it was fun working with everyone. When they were done doing the tents, and settling in, they sat down in their tent to talk and rest.

"It seems like we did a lot of work, for that we're gonna just take it down tomorrow," Rose stated.

"Yea, your right, maybe we should keep it up for a few days" Replied Birk,

"yea, we should." Everyone agreed. By the time they had set up the tents and rested, it was time for dinner, but none of them went out to eat, no one was hungry so instead, they all stayed in their tents and chatted and laughed till they fell asleep.

"Serai, wake up," Serai heard Luner calling her, and when she opened her eyes, he was standing right above her.

"Don't wake up the other's, but I thought we could get an early start on looking for your mom today. I already asked the older elves, and they're fine with it." Lunar explained.

"Ok, I'll be out in a bit." Serai stretched and got dressed for the cold, morning weather. When she got out of the tent, she could see Lunar leaning a tree by the entrance of the camp.

"So where are we gonna start?" She asked.

"I don't know, you already checked all your friends' houses, and you're old place as well. So, Where do you think we should start?" Lunar asked, walking out of the forest, eventually stopping at the end of the tree line, where the forest meets the meadow before the town.

"I don't know" Serai responded. 'It's a rather small town, and everyone knew each other, so we could just go around asking people.' She thought.

"Well, a good start would be to go and ask the neighbors." Serai finally answered after thinking for a bit.

"Ok, that would be a good start," Lunar replied, but it was easier said than done. It felt like hours of walking door to door, asking everyone if they knew where Leesa went, but they all had the same response. Eather

"No, I don't know where she went. She just disappeared one day." Or they just wouldn't open the door.

"This is hopeless," Serai stated, almost out of energy from walking. 'where did you go mum? Why didn't you tell anyone where you went?' Serai wondered.

"Come on, don't lose hope, we still have one more house" Lunar encouraged her.

"Ok," Serai tried to stay happy, but she couldn't help but worry, It wasn't like her mom to just move away without telling anyone.

"Hello, Is anyone home?" Lunar asked, knocking on the door.

"Yes, just a sec, I'm coming!" Answered a voice from inside, and a bit later an old woman came to the door, and when she opened it, she looked at Serai as if she was a ghost or something.

"H-hello. were looking for my mom, Leesa, do you by any chance know where she went?" Serai remembered this lady, she would sometimes come over to Serais' house and talk with her mom sometimes. 'maybe she knows where mom went!' Serai thought.

"Serai?" The woman asked, almost like she couldn't believe that she was standing right in front of her.

"Y-Yes, I'm Serai. Do you know where my mom went?" Serai repeated.

"Yes, oh you must be so confused, come inside, I'll make some tea and we can talk." The lady pulled Lunar and Serai inside before they could even say yes or no. As Serai and Lunar waited in the lady's living room, Serai noticed that there were pictures of her and her mom everywhere. Some the lady was in, and some she wasn't. 'Who is this person?' Serai wondered

"Here you go," the lady said, placing a cup of tea in front of her and one in front of Lunar. But he looked shocked and confused when she set the tea in front of him, and Serai realized that he might not have ever heard of the drink, so Serai grabbed her cup and took a sip so he would know that it was something to drink. And it seemed to of worked cause just after she did that, Lunar took a sip as well.

"So who are you? I see that you know me and my mom, there are pictures of us everywhere" Serai stated. The lady let out a sigh.

"I guess you wouldn't remember me, you were so young the last time I saw you. I'm your aunt, Sasha. Do you remember me?" Sasha asked. When she said that, Serai instantly remembered her. 'That's why I have memories of her visiting and talking with mom!' Serai remembered.

"So do you know where mom is then?" She asked

"Yes, she had to move about three months after you went missing, cause she lost her house. She ended up moving in with my brother, your dad, In the city." Sasha explained. Serai felt as if her head was spinning. She knew where her mom was now, but, she didn't think that she would move so far away!

"T-thank you for telling me." was all Serai felt she could get out of her mouth.