Leaving Hanase

"Would you leave someone if you found out they lied to you? If you found out that they were not kind, but cruel and selfish?" Shi asked. 'Would I leave Lunar? If I knew the real him, and he was faking everything all along, will I leave him?'

"Yes, yes I will."

"Then come with me, we can run away together. Away from this awful place, somewhere that we won't be lied to. We could join one of the other clans, hell, we could even join the rogues if we wanted to. They're not as bad as the clans make them look." Shi stood up and reached his hand down to Serai.

"But, if I couldn't trust Lunar, why should I trust you?" Serai sniffled, wiping away her tears.

"Well tell me, what do you have to lose? Do you have anywhere else to go other than with me?" 'He has a point, with my mum gone, I have nowhere else to go. I could ask my friends to let me stay with them until my mum comes back. No, I don't want to bother them, I should go with him, It's the best possible option right now, at least till my mum comes back.'

"Well, what do you say? Will you join me?"

"Ok. But where will we go?"

'Is this the right choice? Should I stay and wait till Lunar comes back so we can talk about this? What if he's lying?' Serais mind swarmed with thoughts, making her feel overwhelmed.

"I'm friends with a group leader not too far from here, we can go there."

"How will we get there? How far is it?" Serai still didn't know if she was doing the right thing, but she knew that she couldn't stay here.

"Well, to be honest, I tried to run away from the tribe and live with the humans a few years ago, so I have a friend that can take us there. And the ride will be a few days, maybe two or three." Shi explained,

"Ok, let me grab some stuff then we can go."

"No, they will be back soon, so just grab your phone and change into some human clothes. Once they come back and see that you're gone, they will send elfes out to look for you, and we need to be as far away as possible when they do that." Serai grabbed her phone and changed. When she was done, they both started to run out of the forest.

"So why did we have to run? We could have walked," Serai said in between breaths.

"We have to move fast, Evans place is not that far from here. Let's go." It only took a few minutes before they got to Shis friends place and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Serai heard a familiar voice coming from the door. 'Don't tell me! Oh god it's THAT Evan!' Seria recognized his voice right away. She used to go to school with him before the cave incident. He sat right next to her in more than half of her classes and he would always be way too friendly, to the point that it was annoying. 'Great, he's the last person I would like to go on a road trip with, now I'm gonna be stuck with him!'

"Ayy Hana! I haven't seen you in forever! How've you been buddy?" 'like always, he's overly friendly.'

"Eh? Serai?! I thought you went missing? Wait, were you with the elfes the whole time? I mean, I don't blame you, they're much funner to be around than humans like us!" Evan laughed,

"Well since you guys seem to already know each other-"

"Yea, she sat next to me in a lot of my classes before she disappeared. We were the best of buddies!" Evan interrupted Shi and wrapped his arm around Serais shoulder,

"Ugh, we were NOT," Serai pushed his arm off of her,

"Well, I'll get to the point then. Were running away from the clan and we kneed your help to get to another clan, and we kneed you to drive us there cause it's too far to walk and neither of us knows how to drive or has a car."

"Um, sure, When do you want to leave? Like in a week, in a few days?"

"As soon as possible, hopefully today." Serai was already starting to regret coming, but she knew that she couldn't go back to the clan and pretend that nothing happened, she also didn't have the courage to confront Lunar about the whole thing.

"Woah Woah Woah, you expect me to just leave right now? I have people that kneed to know where I am, I have things I kneed to do here, I can't just leave! But it sounds like fun so I'm in. come inside and sit down, I'm gonna get ready."

'Well it didn't take long to convince him I guess,'

"do either of you want some coffee or tea?"

"I'll have some coffee, what about you Serai?"

"I guess I'll have some too," Serai mumbled. Evan poured them some coffee then headed to a separate room to get ready.

"So, Shi. Shouldn't we get to know each other so we feel more comfortable?" Serai felt like she could see the tension in the air.

"Ok, for starters, please call me Hana instead of Shi. I'm the oldest of all my siblings, I'm 18. I've always been the outcast because my father was a rogue and my mother was Ivy. When I was 16 I tried to run away, that's when I bumped into Evan. I ended up staying at his place for eight months, but then he had to move away for a few months so I joined the clan again. That's basically it. What about you? I've always been quite curious about your past."

"Well, when I was little, my dad would always be moving from place to place because of his job, so I almost never got to see him. And a couple of years ago when I was 14 me and my mum moved here, and my dad moved into the city to take care of his family. Eventually I got used to life here, I enrolled in a school and I made some friends. I would always go exploring around the village, till there wasn't one place that I haven't been to, except the forest, that's when I finally entered the forest, despite my mum telling me I shouldn't. Now I'm not so sure that going into the forest was such a good idea. God I wish I listened to her."

"Well I'm glad you entered the forest, otherwise I wouldn't have met you, and you seem like a cool person. I want to be friends. I know that you were pretty close to Aster and Birk and the crew, and there no way that I could beat them, I don't have a great sense of humor like Birk or Aster, and I don't have an energetic, happy spirit like Rose, and I will never be as social and talented as Lunar. But please give me and Evan a chance to be your friends too, were actually pretty cool people when you get to know us." 'There it is again, that feeling, the feeling that I should trust him, why do I always feel like this?'

"I would like that. I think that's just what I kneed right now, some friends that I can relax with, and trust."

"Ok, I'm back, what did I miss?" Evan came out of his room holding three bags.

"Do you really kneed to bring that much stuff? It's just gonna be a few days." Hana said when he saw the bags.

"Well two of them are for you guys since I saw that you guys didn't bring any other clothes. You're the same size as me so you can use my clothes, and My sister left some of her clothes when she came to visit me last time, so you can use her clothes." Evan gave Serai and Hana each one of the bags.

"So, where are we going?" Evan asked as he headed out the door and threw his bag of stuff in the back of his car.

"You know where the blue lake is?" Hana asked as he hopped into the front seat and threw his stuff into the back with Serai and Evans bags.


"There's a hotel close by there, that's where we're going first."

"Sounds great! Maybe if we get to the lake before dark we can go swimming!" Evan sounded like he couldn't be more excited.

"I wouldn't count on it."'

This is it, I'm leaving Hanase. Is this the right choice? Am I going to regret this? No, stop, I can't start regretting things now, I have to just keep going and hope that things work out for the better, there's no going back now. Goodbye Lunar, I'm sorry.'