Day 14: Return

"KIKKERIKIII~" Kiara exclaimed her normal greeting through the phone. "You sleep well?"

"Yeah," Ryan smiled. "What about you?"

"I slept alright," Kiara replied. "You ready for today?"

"Why, what's going on today?" Ryan asked. He had a feeling nagging at him since yesterday about what would happen.

"You're coming here to work," Kiara deadpanned.

"Very funny," Ryan sighed. "Whatever, I'll see you in a few."


The first thing Ryan noticed that all the windows were covered. Even the glass doors were covered by paper. What the hell? Ryan thought to himself. He figured that something was happening if all the windows were covered. It's as if Kiara didn't want Ryan to see what was on the other side. Ryan sighed to himself and opened the door.

"Alright, I'll bite. What the hell-,"

"SURPRISE!" A group of almost people shouted at once, all the blinds and covers being raised and/or torn down. Ryan immediately recognized their faces one by one. Calli, Gura, Amelia, Ina, Korone, Okayu, Rushia, Ollie, Fubuki, Matsuri, Coco, Kanata, Suisei, Miko, Pekora, Subaru, Choco, Aqua, Shion, Ayame, Botan, Lamy, Nene, Polka, Mio, Noel, Flare, Marine, and even Brianna decided to show up. As Ryan processed the situation, Kiara walked up to him and gave him a big hug.

"We all wanted to thank you for working with us for two weeks, so we decided to put together a little surprise party," Kiara said as she pulled away, looking Ryan in the eye. "It's been a lot of fun working with you and we're all really happy that you decided to stay."

"I…" Ryan's voice faltered. He rubbed his eyes, sniffling a little bit. "Thank you."

"Alright," Kiara smiled. "Let the party begin!"

Ryan smiled as he went to the back to get changed. Even if they were celebrating him, he wanted to help out. He couldn't leave Kiara to do everything by herself. He stepped out to the counter where Gura, Ina, Calli, and Amelia were sitting there chatting with Kiara, just like Ryan's first day.

"Yeah, Ryan caught Calli and I making out the other day!" Kiara exclaimed.

"Kusotori, please don't tell them about that," Calli looked like she wanted the floor to swallow her right there and then.

"Hey, you're not the one that almost died," Ryan walked over to join the conversation. "It was a funny experience, though."

"Finally!" Amelia slammed the table with her open palm. "We've been waiting for concrete evidence on their relationship for months! Months, I tell you!'

"It's nice to see their relationship take flight," Ina nodded, causing Gura, Ina, and Kiara to laugh. "Let's just hope it doesn't go up in flames."

Probably another inside joke, Ryan thought to himself as he turned to Korone, Okayu, and Fubuki who were sitting next to Calli.

"You know, Koro-san would love it if you-,"

"Not falling for that again, Nekomata-san," Ryan said, though he almost was willing to give Korone his yubis because of the puppy eyes she was giving him. "How are you, Shirakami-san?"

"We are friends!" Fubuki shook her head. "Please call me Fubuki."

"Same here," Okayu said.

"I'll let you call me Korone if you give me your yubis!" Korone chirped.

"I'll pass if that's the cost," Ryan said.

"Fine!" Korone pouted. "You can call me Korone if you want."

"Thank you, Korone-san," Ryan smiled.

"Hey Ryan!" Kiara called over. "Yo-chan wants to tell you something!"

"Takanashi-san!" Brianna scolded her.

"C'mon! Just get it out already!" Kiara laughed wholeheartedly. "It's easier if you do!"

"What is it, Yo-chan?" Ryan walked over and looked at Brianna.

"Actually, I do have something to tell you…" Brianna moved her hand towards her mask. "My name isn't Brianna Edhas. My name is-,"

Brianna was cut off by a sharp gasp from Kiara. "Someone broke the barrier!"

"What?!" Calli looked shocked. "That's impossible! YAGOO made that barrier!"

Ryan then looked over to one of the upper windows and saw the faint image of a helicopter approaching. For some reason, his senses screamed at him to run. That this helicopter was bad news. His legs moved on their own. He jumped over, tacking Kiara. If it was nothing, he could explain that to her later. Unfortunately, that thought perished as a loud gunshot could be heard. The last thing Ryan heard was the sound of shattering glass and Kiara screaming before a sharp pain hit his temple and then, nothing.