Day 7: An Odd Combination

Day 7: An Odd Combination

"Writer-sama?" I look up from my laptop to see a familiar cat girl with pink hair standing by my door.

"If it isn't the bane of my existence," I muttered, sighing as I continued typing future chapter of KFP: Double Back, which I am cranking out as fast as I can so I can upload them to WebNovel without having any anxiety over having a consistent upload schedule. "What's up, Nyanners?"

"I was going to ask if I can join the-,"

"NO!" I cut her off with a shout, slamming the laptop shut. The mere thought of Nyanners being a part of KFP: Double Back sent shudders down my spine. If Nyanners even made a cameo, I feared that I might have to change the rating tag to "Mature", and my fics are SEISO. SEI! SO!

"Please?" Nyanners gave me little kitty eyes. "I won't talk about feet, I promise…"

"Are you going to talk about pee?" I asked.

"Maybe…" Nyanners admitted, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. She didn't even look sorry about it.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat, massaging my temples. Since I was introducing VShojo into this fic and it wouldn't be fair to not include the demonic cat. "If you even think about of threatening my precious General Audiences rating, I'll write you out, though. Give me some time to consider it, though. I already have a few people lined up."

"Yay! Thank you!" Nyanners cheered, running off.

"No problem," I said, sighing again. "Wait, how did she get in my house?"


Ryan sighed as he cracked his neck. "Guess I'm leaving early again," he said as he got up, cracking his back.

"Be wary of that lich," Edhas said. "I mean, I'm sure I can take one on, but things might get dicey. Unless you destroy the world, then you won't be able to escape punishment if I accidentally kill someone."

'Jeez, you really need to shut up about that shit,' Ryan sighed. 'It's getting stale.'

"Too bad, asshole," Edhas chuckled. "Now get your ass to work before I get your ass to work."


As Ryan turned to the alley, he saw a small little unicorn with wings trotting from one side to the other, its eyes close. "Oh my god, that's so cute!" Ryan squealed, picking up the little horse.

"Ryan, what the hell are you doing?!" Edhas shouted in his head. "Put that thing down!"

'Put it down? It's just an adorable little horse,' Ryan shot back, patting the small, plush-sized unicorn.

"Oh my god!" Ryan snapped to attention when he saw a girl about his size with little wings and a horn running up to him. "I'm so sorry about Jam!"

"Is this little fella yours?" Ryan asked, offering the unicorn to her. The unicorn flapped its little wings and flew over to the girl's arms. "I'm sorry about that. I just found him on my way to work."

"Thank you for taking care of him," The girl offered a soft smile as she cradled her partner. "I'll be sure to pay you back someday."

"There's no need," Ryan said, turning to walk towards his job. "I was just passing by. I didn't really do anything."

"Some people still would have shot a tiny horse with a horn," The girl said, causing Ryan to stop, giving the girl a glare. The news angered him, but he wasn't angry at the girl.

"Then he's not the real monster in this world," Ryan turned his head, so he was facing the depths of the alley and started to walk away. "They are."


"Morning Tenchou," Ryan grumbled as he walked in. If being a sour mood wasn't good enough, Edhas had to chew him out, informing him the little adorable bean he picked up and pet was an alicorn with the magical capabilities of blowing up Jupiter in one go. "How is everything?"

"Things are good!" Kiara said, turning to Ryan. "Since you decided to start coming early, I decided to show up early as well!"

"How did you know I would decide to start showing up early from now on?" Ryan asked.

"I didn't! If you weren't here, I would have called you earlier," Kiara gave Ryan a smile.

"Fine, fine," Ryan said, sighed as he walked around the counted.

"So, what is January going to be?" A squirrel girl walked in with Moona and a girl with white hair and what seemed to be paint splotches on her hair and outfit. Ryan vaguely remembered the squirrel girl as Ayunda Risu, the girl who gave him a doughnut back at Gura and Amelia's wedding. "Juice and Jam January?"

"Risu, I think you've been watching too many Sonic cartoons," Moona said. "What do you think, Iofi-chan?"

"There's nothing wrong with Sonic cartoons!" The girl cheered. "Sonic is amazing! I need to get around to drawing him."

"Moona-senpai! Tupaisen! Iofi-senpai!" Kiara called over. "Welcome!"

Moona shot Kiara a glare but said nothing. "Kiara-chan!" Risu hopped over to the phoenix, an inquisitive look in her eyes. "What do you think about Juice and Jam January?"

"That sounds great!" Kiara chirped. Risu then turned to Ryan.

"What about you, Ryan?" Risu's eyes bore deep into Ryan's soul, the light scurrying out of them in abject fear.

"That… uh… sounds like a wonderful idea…?" Ryan shuffled nervously. His eyes darted to Kiara, pleading for help. The manager just offered Ryan a simple shrug as if to say, 'just roll with it'.

"Really?" Risu's eyes shot up. "Thank you, Ryan!"

"Sorry about Risu," the white-haired girl walked next to Risu, putting a hand on her head. "My name is Airani Iofifteen, but you can just call me Iofi."

"Nice to meet you," Ryan shook the girl's hand, but froze when he felt a murderous gaze on him.

"Don't touch my wife," Moona growled at him.

"Wait," Ryan let go of Iofi's hand and held both his hands up in surrender. "If Iofi-san here is your wife, then who is Usada-san to you?"

"Sanchou is…" Moona put a finger on her chin, looking for the right word. "A friend"

"Bullshit!" Everyone, even Iofi shouted.

"We're not married yet, actually," Iofi then leaned over to whisper into Ryan's ear. "But I plan on changing that very soon."

"What did she say?" Moona asked as Iofi pulled away, offering Ryan to wink. As Ryan opened his mouth, Iofi offered a murderous smile, leagues scarier than Moona's glare.

"Nothing," Ryan took a step back, holding his hands up again. "Absolutely nothing. Just about Juice and Jam January! It's a great idea, right? Actually, let me get you all some toast and orange juice! I'll even get some strawberry jam!"

Everyone looked at each other as Ryan ran off. "Well…" Kiara looked at the three one at a time. "That was something."


Ryan was relieved when he walked back with three plates of toast and three glasses of orange juice to see that no one had been slaughtered in his absence. "Here's your food," He said, placing a glass and a plate in front of each of the three customers.

"Are you enjoying this time of peace?" Iofi asked. "It's quite amazing that we're on one, honestly. I never thought you humans could pull it off."

"The humans didn't pull it off, though," Ryan replied. "We did."

"You were a human when you fought in the war," Moona said. "At least, the first half of the war."

"War? Looked like a massacre to me," Ryan grumbled. "I mean, I was the only casualty on my side."

"It would have been better if you stayed dead," Moona muttered under her breath, but it was loud enough for Ryan to hear.

"What was that?" Kiara gave Moona a menacing smile as she cracked her knuckles, her eye twitching as fire flared from her nostrils.

"I said it's great that you're not dead!" Moona corrected, obviously distressed. With how much these two are at odds, Ryan was surprised for Moona to back off for once.

"That sounds better," Kiara's smiled brightened.

"Whatever," Moona grumbled before wrapping her arms around Iofi's arm and pulling herself close to the painter.

"Iofi, Kiara's bullying me," Moona whined, giving her "wife" puppy dog eyes. "Comfort me please."

"There, there," Iofi stroked Moona's hair, giving her a soft smile as she pulled Moona closer, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Get a room, you two," Risu sighed. Ryan saw a similar glint in her eyes as she made an all too familiar expression.

"So, you're a loner, too," Ryan said to Risu.

"Ryan, you know that there are girls after you," Risu replied. "You have an international fan club for Matsuri's sake. Open your eyes."

"I never noticed this," Ryan said, giving Risu a blank expression.

"You literally had stalkers," Edhas said. "How didn't you see this? You're so daft."

'I'm sorry that this world is weird,' Ryan said. 'I just assumed that stalking was normal.'

"Man, are you gay or something? You're surrounded by cute girls!" Edhas said.

'I'm not gay*!' Ryan shouted in his head, refusing the urge to physically hit his head.

"I'm sure you'll find someone someday," Kiara patted Ryan's back.

"Honestly, I hope so," Ryan said. "I'm not sure if I'm looking for that now, but the thought of living with someone happily for the rest of my life sounds appealing."

"Yeah," Risu looked down at her uneaten toast. "Having someone would be nice.


Ryan sighed as he walked into his apartment, flopping on the bed. The rest of the day just devolved into an awkward silence after that conversation, so the three decided to leave. 'What do I want in life? In a partner?' Ryan asked himself.

"I mean, I had a girlfriend before I died," Edhas said. "I really miss her."

'What was her name?' Ryan asked, genuinely curious.

"Sabrina," Edhas answered simply.

'I don't believe you,' Ryan grabbed his phone, dialing Sabrina's number. I don't believe you.

"Hello?" Sabrina asked through the phone. "What do you need, Ryan?"

"Was Edhas really your boyfriend?" Ryan asked, still in disbelief.

"I…" Sabrina faltered. "Yes, he was. I really miss him."

Ryan stiffened as he noticed that Sabrina's voice sound noticeably sadder as she talked. "I'm sorry…" he said, realizing his mistake. "That was rude of me."

"It's okay…" Sabrina's voice broke. "I just need a minute."

Ryan opened his mouth to speak, but Sabrina had already cut the line. Ryan flopped on the bed, putting his arm over his eyes as he closed them.

"Smooth," Edhas said.

Shut up, Ryan grumbled. Maybe it was time for bed.


"Storm," A tall, rugged man with red eyes and a tattered cloth confronted Storm in the endless void the man resided in, giving him a warm smile as he held his broken scythe and onyx knife.

"Grimm," Storm took off his mask as he walked up to Grimm, giving him a big hug. "I'm so glad the void decided to let you join us."

"I'm so glad that I can join you, brother," Grimm returned the hug before pulling away, crimson eyes staring at grey eyes.

"What's the occasion?" Storm asked. "Is the universe in danger?"

"Not yet," Grimm offered a hearty chuckle. "I was just granted more abilities to interact with the real world, so the void thought that I would be more fit in this realm than my last one."

"What about Phoenix Dimension?" Storm asked, referring to the space where phoenixes go when they die to be relocated.

"I still run it," Grimm said, looking at his broken scythe. "I now only have to be there when a phoenix dies, and since phoenixes are almost extinct, I'll have a lot more time to interact with you and the real world. How is Edhas doing?"

"I'm sure you've heard about his situation," Storm said.

"Actually, I haven't," Grimm said.

"Well," Storm looked shocked, but his face quickly regained composure. "I guess I have quite the story to tell you."

"Great! I love stories!" With a snap of Grimm's fingers, two chairs appeared. "I'm so excited to hear all of your stories."


"A lot has happened," Storm spent a couple hours filling Grimm in on the events of the original KFP, Grimm smiling throughout it.

"So, Ryan and Edhas are friends with Calliope?" Grimm asked, leaning forward.

"Apparently," Storm said. "I don't really take interest in their personal lives. Maybe if I was still alive, but ever since become the herald of the void, I can't care for things such as the emotions of others."

"I'm very happy that this happened," Grimm's smile softened as he looked up into the infinite blackness. "My students… I will see you soon, and that's a promise."


Omake: Stalkers

Suisei smiled as she looked through the photos in her camera. Several dozen high quality pictures of Ryan were present as she saved them all on her computer. She then opened up the RSFC forum. She started typing on her computer.

"Selling high quality pictures of Ryan Shade!

I've been spending a lot of time taking and gathering pictures of our very own Ryan Shade and I am willing to sell them to all of you. Prices are down below:

1 picture: 20,000 yen

5 pictures: 75,000 yen

10 pictures: 150,000 yen

20 pictures: 270,000 yen"

Suisei smirked as she uploaded the forum post. Within seconds, she already had hundreds of messages from desperate guys and girls all over the globe ready to smash their wallets with an axe just to get a glimpse of Ryan's butt in 1080p. "This is going to turn one hell of a profit."