Day 16: Yubis Intertwined

Korone shuffled around nervously, her yubis shaking. Today was the most important day in her life: the day where she'll walk down the isle with her soon-to-be cat wife. Despite her nerves, she couldn't be happier. Okayu was the 'bestest person in the world' and she was hers. Korone gripped her wrist, taking deep breaths. When her yubis stilled, she clenched her fist, shooting it in the air. "YUBI YUBI!"


Okayu laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling while munching on a rice ball. The wedding started soon, but it was normal to arrive fashionably late, right? She sighed, stuffing the whole rice ball in her mouth. She was excited to marry Korone, but she was also scared. What if things go wrong in the relationship? What if they divorce? Okayu would be devastated. "No, I can't think like that," Okayu said to herself, standing up. "Koro-san is mine, and we will be happy together."


"You up?" Edhas asked as Ryan turned over on his bed. "You have a wedding to attend to, remember?"

'Don't remind me,' Ryan grumbled to his other half as he got out of bed. He cracked his neck and snapped his fingers and he was instantly found himself in a suit. You know, having magic is very convenient. It would suck if I got it taken away.

"Imagine if you got thrown back in time again," Edhas snickered. "Damn, that would suck."

'It would be better if you came,' Ryan sighed. 'I mean, things would be weird since I didn't have magic or whatever, but I think we could get a lot of done together.'

"Whatever," Edhas sighed. "Let's get going."


"KIKKERIKIII~!!!" Kiara called as Ryan walked up to HoloHQ. Kiara, Calli, Amelia, Gura, and Ina were waiting outside, casually chatting amongst each other. Ina was wearing a lavender dress while Calli and Amelia were wearing a lighter purple while Gura and Kiara were wearing a tannish color.

"Morning Tenchou," Ryan waved over as he joined the group. "Are you ready for the wedding?"

"Yep!" Kiara exclaimed, shooting her fist in the air before wincing. "Damn, I hate these heels."

"Just deal with it, Kusotori," Calli rolled her eyes.

"You don't even have to wear heels since you're so tall!" Kiara complained. Calli stared at her, pretending she didn't say anything.

"Guys, we have to go prepare for the ceremony," Amelia cut in. "You ready, Gura?"

"Yep!" Gura cheered. "I'm excited for the recession, though! Korone-senpai's yubis are the best!"

"I guess I'll see you guys at the wedding," Ryan sighed as everyone except Ina left. "I guess you're not a bridesmaid."

"Well, since there's three of us in the relationship, we can't exactly all be on the altar," Ina said.

"Wait, you got into a relationship?" Ryan asked.

"Humu-humu," Ina nodded contently. "Nene and Polka went on a date with me a couple days ago. It went really well."

"Congratulations," Ryan said, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"You really need to get on the whole relationship thing," Edhas said.

'Shut up,' Ryan grumbled.

"You'd be so lost without me," Edhas said.

'Doubt it.'


Ryan smiled as he saw Fubuki, Mio, and Ayame on the stage for the processional, singing a song that was apparently released a couple weeks ago. Ryan chuckled when he remembered what he was doing a couple weeks ago (read: getting his ass kicked by a manager). One by one, he saw couples walk down. Gura and Ame, Calli and Kiara, Moona and Iofi, Flare and Noel, and Sora and AZKi. Ryan was surprised to see Sora and AZKi walk down the aisle together, but it wasn't really any of his business. If they got together, Ryan was happy for them, but that wasn't a certainty. A-Chan walked down the aisle with the flowers before Aki walked down with the rings. Lastly, Okayu and Korone walked down the aisle with gowns that matched the color of their eyes. Ryan smiled as his eyes followed the couple.

When they met on the aisle, YAGOO walked out and introduced himself as the officiant. "Though we may have switched to an entertainment company, things have started to look up," YAGOO said with a smile on his face. "Today we will witness the joining between cats and dogs. Today, we will join two people who are very important to hearts."

As usual, Ryan tuned himself out during the readings. Not that he didn't respect them, his attention-span was just too short. "Are you ready to go through with this?" YAGOO turned to ask the two.

"Yes," Okayu nodded, a smile on her face.

"Of course!" Korone cheers.

"We will now proceed to the vows," YAGOO said.

"I'll start," Okayu volunteered. "When I met you, Koro-san, I did not expect us to come up on here. Just a few years ago we were just trying our best to survive in a harsh world that hated us. I've always considered you a friend and when you asked me out last year, I was thoroughly surprised. Saying yes was one of the best decisions in my life. Right now, I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. I want to continue to be with you, to continue loving you, to do more OkaKoro streams with you. I want to live like this with you for the rest of my life."

"Okayu, I love you," Korone said, her face straining to make a serious expression. Ryan was surprised Korone could even make a serious expression since she was constantly happy all the time. "I love you more than yubis, more than bananas. I love you more than anything in the world. I don't ever want to leave you. We will have more OkaKoro streams and we will love each other forever. When I first met you in the café, I knew who I wanted to be with. It was love at first sight. I am so happy that we spent so much time together, even if times were tough. Even when we were starving on the street as strays, I couldn't be happier with you at my side. Even when our lives were on the line. If I went back in time, I would choose to go with you again, no matter how much pain it would have caused me. I know I could take it. If I'm with you, I can take anything. I will never let you go."

Aki then stepped up with the rings and silently put the rings on Korone and Okayu's fingers, giving each other them a polite smile and nod as she did so. "With the power of kusa, I pronounce you two wife and wife," YAGOO said, his smile widening. "You may kiss the bride."

"Okayu!" Korone shouted, tackling her new wife into a kiss. Ryan chuckled at this. Some things will never change.


"Congratulations on your marriage," Ryan said, walking up to Okayu and Korone, who were casually chatting amongst the crowd.

"Thank you," Okayu smiled at Ryan. "I'm very happy with how things went."

"Want one?" Korone shoved a fried finger in Ryan's face.

"I'll pass," Ryan said, still not comfortable with the idea of eating a human finger.

"Koro-san, we talked about shoving things in people's faces," Okayu said patiently, putting a hand on Korone's head.

"Sorry!" Korone said in broken English before shoving the finger in her mouth gleefully.

"Hi friend!" Fubuki cheered, walking up to Ryan.

"Hi Fubuki," Ryan said, a soft smile on his face. He had a soft spot for the kitsune. She was just so… pure. "You did really good on stage today."

"Thank you!" Fubuki smiled back at Ryan. "You should come join us on the dance floor with us! It'll be fun!"

"Uh, I'm not much of a dan-," Ryan was cut off when Fubuki grabbed his arm, pulling him over to the dance floor, much to his protest.

"We got Ryan on the floor!" The DJ, who happened to be Calli shouted. "For our next song, I'll be playing Hinotori by the sexiest Phoenix in the world and my wife, Takanashi Kiara!"

As music started to play, Ryan sighed. 'Edhas, what do I do?'

"Beats me, pal," Edhas said. "I can fight, but I can't dance."

'Didn't you have a girlfriend before?' Ryan asked, awkwardly shuffling to the music.

"Our dates consisted of killing eldritch horrors, not dancing at a school ball," Edhas informed.



Storm was sitting cross-legged in the void. With a flash of multiple colors, a pale-skinned man wearing a blue hoodie and a mask on the side of his head appeared. "What do you want, Nux?" Storm asked, standing up and turning to confront the man.

"I just wanted to visit a fellow resident of the void!" Nux walked up to Storm, clasping his shoulder and laughing joyously. "Man, Earth has been great! Why didn't you ever tell me about anime? Shit's great!"

"I was afraid of this happening," Storm sighed, shaking his head. "How are you enjoying the new body?"

"The body's working pretty well," Nux said, winding his arms. "It's pretty weird, though. I don't like constantly having to eat n' shit."

"Yeah, that was a hassle," Storm sighed, remembering when he was on the physical plane.

"Nux!" Grimm's voice was heard as he ran over.

"Oh hey! You're alive!" Nux called back as the two clasped hands in greeting. "It's been a while, Grimm."

"That it has been," Grimm smiled brightly at Nux. "What have you been up to?"

"I discovered this wonderful thing called MeTube," Nux started. "I get to talk about all the stuff I love to do and get paid for it! Can you believe that?"

"Yeah, Earth can be pretty nice at times," Grimm said. Their conversation was cut off when Storm cried out in agony, clutching his right eye.

"Storm!" The two shouted in unison, rushing over to him as Storm forced himself to his feet. "Are you alright?!"

"I'm afraid the void has deemed my free will to be obsolete," Storm sighed, letting go of his eye, revealing that it had gone completely black. "I don't know how long I can hang on, but I'll try my best."