Day 11: The Bar

"Uno," Lily said as she placed down a card, a smirk on her face.

"Lily, you need to stop using your magic to alter your cards," Ryan sighed, holding roughly half of the deck.

"You can't even detect when we use magic," Suisei giggled, placing down a card. "Just because you're losing doesn't mean we're using magic."

"Seriously, how do I not have any greens?" Ryan grumbled, drawing ten cards before placing down a green 5.

"I win," Lily declared as she placed down a red 5. "Good game."

"That was most certainly not a good game," Ryan said, looking at his watch. "Now I have to go call Tenchou. Shoo."

"Boo, you're no fun," Lily said, pouting as she faded away with a soft, yellow glow. "I guess I'll see you later."

"Bye, Ryan," Suisei said as she ran out the door, jumping off the balcony.

Ryan sighed as he grabbed his phone, calling Kiara's number.


"C'mon Calli!" Kiara tugged on Calli's arm; her other hand extended towards the break room. She was so close…. So…. close…

"No!" Calli protested. "We should only do that in your room! Or my room!"

"But I'm going to be at work every day!" Kiara protested. She stopped when she heard her phone ring, letting go of Calli's arm as she looked at her pocket with a blank stare before grabbing her phone.

"Why's Ryan calling?" She asked herself aloud as she accepted the call. "KIKKERIKIII~!!!"

"Morning Tenchou," Ryan's voice came over the phone. "I was going to ask for a day off."

"A day off?" Kiara tilted her head. Ryan was doing so well, so why would he need a day off?

"Something came up and…" Ryan paused. "I guess I'm not doing too well upstairs. I wanted to go see someone."

"I see," Kiara rubbed her chin. As a phoenix, she didn't really value one's physical health as much as most people, but something she put a lot of emphasis on was mental health. She knew what it was like to feel alone and depressed, having lived for eons. "That's fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Ryan."

"Thanks, Tenchou," Ryan said before hanging up. Kiara and Calli looked at each other. As she put her phone back in her pocket, she narrowed her eyes, a sly smirk crawling up her face.

"The break room's open~"


Roberu sighed as he opened his bar. Ever since Kiara opened her KFP, the bar started getting less traffic. Roberu didn't mind, as everyone still showed up, but only during the evening. He preferred it that way, if he was being honest. All of Roberu's favorite events happened in the evening, like that one time when he cut himself in half.

"Well, at least I have all this time to relax," Roberu said to himself. As if the universe was playing some cruel joke on him, the door opened at that exact moment. Roberu looked up to see someone he hasn't seen before, which was weird considering he hasn't had someone new walk in since Anya, Ollie, and Reine a few months back. The man had short, messy black hair, his hood covering the top part of it. He wore a black hoodie and sweatpants and his brown eyes had huge bags under them.

"Welcome to Bar: ROBEL," Roberu introduced himself. "My name is Yukoku Roberu. What's yours?"

"Name's Ryan Shade," The man said, sitting down at one of the stools. "You got Dragonson liquor?"

"Sorry, we don't serve anything that strong," Roberu shook his head. He was surprised that he even knew what that was, considering that Dragonson liquor was banned pretty much everywhere in the human world, usually only being sold by magical creatures. When Roberu tried to search for any magical power the man could have been emanating, he found none.

"Shame," Ryan heaved a sigh. "I'll just have some plum wine, then. Do you have the limited edition Usada Pekora bottle?"

"I do, actually," Roberu said, turning around and opening a cooler, taking out a bottle with the Usada Construction CEO on it, placing it in front of Ryan with a glass. He eyed Ryan. Whenever a human entered his bar, which this was the first occurrence, Roberu liked to do a test to see what kind of person they were. He waved his hand above the glass, and a chunk of ice summoned itself, dropping into the glass. Most human would be repulsed by the notion of magic, so depending on their reaction, Roberu could decide whether he wanted to serve them or not. He took another look at Ryan. He seemed to be zoning out, staring down at the counter.

"Ahem," Ryan snapped awake as Roberu cleared his throat. "Your drink's ready."

"Thanks," Ryan said, taking a sip before wincing a bit. "Now that I think of it, this is my first sip of alcohol."

"Despite that, you wanted Dragonson liquor?" Roberu asked, tilting his head.

"I guess you can say life hasn't been the kindest to me," Ryan chuckled dryly, taking another sip. "This stuff isn't actually that bad."

"I'm glad that you think that," Roberu smiled. This Ryan fellow was an odd person, but he seemed nice enough. "So, how did a human find his way in here?"

"I guess I'm not your average, run of the mill human," Ryan said with a shrug. "Let's just say I'm not the most fortunate person in the world."

"I see," Roberu rubbed his chin. It wasn't often, but humans do get wrapped into the magical world sometimes. He remembered Korone's manager, who exclusively drinks coffee to try to keep up with Korone's endurance. "Well, I welcome you here nonetheless."

"Thanks," Ryan said, a small smirk growing on his face as he took another sip. "I heard the bar is where you can vent all your problems. Is that right?"

"I'm always willing to listen to anything you have to say," Roberu replied, his eyes focusing on Ryan, trying to anticipate what he would say. "I don't accept any bigotry in my bar, though."

"Wouldn't expect any less from a mage," Ryan chuckled dryly. So, Ryan was paying attention when Roberu formed the chunk of ice. "Well, not too long ago, a friend of mine died. I wasn't able to cope for a while. Let's just say I made… a rash decision. I honestly don't know if I did the right decision."

"Why did you make your decision?" Roberu asked. He didn't want to pry too much, but he couldn't help but be curious.

"I guess you can say I followed my heart," Ryan said. "I wasn't thinking when I made the decision, honestly. I just did it."

"Well, if you followed your heart, then you must have truly wanted what you would get out if it," Roberu said. "Did it make you happy?"

"Honestly, it's too early to say," Ryan said. "It's not that I regret it… it's just that… some of the consequences are catching up to me."

"Well, if you follow your heart, then I'm sure that you'll power through any obstacle," Roberu said. "You look like you've been fighting for a while."

"Huh, I guess I do look like shit," Ryan sighed, taking a bigger gulp. "Thanks for putting it lightly, though."

"I didn't really mean that," Roberu chuckled, memories of his childhood flashing through his head. It would be an understatement to say he didn't have the best childhood before his mentor came along to teach him magic. "You really do seem like a determined person."

"Believe what you will," Ryan scoffed, finishing the glass. "Can I have a second glass?"

"Sure," Roberu poured Ryan a second glass. "Men happily believe what they wish."

"I guess you're right," Ryan chuckled, taking another swig.

"Hi Roberu! KFP was closed so I decided to stop-," Lamy's voice was accompanied by the sound of the wooden door swinging open. "Ryan? Is that you?"

"You two have met?" Roberu tilted his head, intrigued.

"Ryan works at Kiara's KFP," Lamy explained as she sat down. "I'll have a bottle of booze!"

"Of course," Roberu took out a bottle of what seemed to be vodka. "I didn't expect to find KFP's famed employee here of all places."

"I guess she's already talking about me, huh?" Ryan heaved a sigh. It wasn't as if he didn't see it coming. Miko knew who he was the first time around. "Yeah, I work at KFP."

"That's interesting," Roberu nodded. "Is anyone else coming with you?"

"She should be coming here…" Lamy paused when the door opened again. "Now."

"Choco~n!" Choco's voice rang throughout the bar.

"Morning, Choco-sensei," Ryan turned around in his stool, a slight flush on his face. He really was a bad drinker. "It's been… three years…? Sorry, my memory is a little hazy."

"I'm surprised you remember me at all," Choco put a hand to her mouth before walking over, taking a seat next to Ryan. "How's my favorite student doing?"

"Not too well if you can tell," Ryan said, finishing his second glass. "I'll take another."

"Whatever you say," Roberu sighed, pouring Ryan a drink.

"Ne, since you're drinking, why don't we have a drinking competition?" Lamy asked.

"Actually, this is my first time dri-,"

"Nonsense," Choco gave Ryan a seductive smirk. "It'd be a fun experience. C'mon. Give it a try~"

"Whatever," Ryan sighed. He was in for a rough day.


Suisei worriedly paced down the street, a worried expression on her face. She hadn't seen Ryan anywhere in the city and when she talked to Kiara, the phoenix told her he took a day off of work. She was scared that someone came after Ryan. She hoped the worse hadn't come. She was headed to Bar: ROBEL to see if Roberu or anyone else that might be there to help.

"Roberu, I need your he-," Suisei opened the door, cutting herself off when she saw the scene before her. Roberu's bottom half was walking around the other side of the counter while his top half was on the counter itself while Choco and Lamy were chatting happily. This scene was normal for a late night at Bar: ROBEL but the part that surprised her was Ryan passed out on the counter, a deep flush on his face and a blue blanket draped over him.

"Oh, what's up, Suisei?" Roberu turned to Suisei, his usual smile ever-present on his face.

"I was actually looking for him," Suisei pointed at Ryan. "I couldn't find him anywhere in the city. How did he even get in here? He's human, right?"

"Beats me," Roberu shrugged. "He's been here all day. He passed out a couple hours ago, though."

"How was he?" Suisei said. "I've been staying at his place for a few days now, but I can barely find out anything about him."

"He's very different from what I remember," Choco put a finger on her chin. "I used to be his school nurse. He was a lot shyer and more immature than he is now, even when he's drunk."

"He's a really fun person," Lamy said. "I could tell he's hiding something, but he's a good person."

"He actually reminds me of Amelia," Roberu noted. "His smile can be contagious, but I can see the weariness in his eyes. It's as if he's lived longer than he actually has."

"I see," Suisei rubbed her chin. "Well, I might as well get him home."

"Hey Suisei?" Choco caught the idol's attention as she hoisted Ryan over her shoulder.

"Yes?" Suisei gave Choco an intimidating glare. No one was going to take Ryan away from her.

"Just take care of him for me," Choco said. "Even though he's changed, I know him. He's going to make some dumb decisions."

"I see," Suisei looked at Ryan's sleeping face, the slightest smile showing. "Don't worry, Choco-sensei. You have my word."