Day 17: Birthday

A-chan awoke to her alarm. She forced her eyes open, heavy bags under her eyes. "Wha…?" She fumbled around for her glasses, putting them on. "I guess I stayed up all night again."

She stretched her arms before dragging herself over to her kitchen to grab herself a cup of coffee. She noticed that there was something on her kitchen table that she didn't remember putting there. She walked over to look at it. It was an orange pamphlet with a sticky note attached to it. A-chan grabbed the sticky note. It had Sora's handwriting.

"Come meet us here today! -Sora"

A-chan heaved a sigh. "Well, I guess I have no choice."


"KIKKERIKIII~!!!" Kiara shouted through the phone. Ryan smiled. He had missed the daily phone calls Kiara had given him when he first started working at KFP, but ever since he started arriving to work earlier, Kiara didn't find a need for them.

"Good morning Tenchou," Ryan said. "What's up?"

"We're preparing a surprise party for one of our friends!" Kiara exclaimed. "Are you able to get some alcohol for us? We're going to be having the party at KFP."

"Of course," Ryan said. "Don't worry about the money. I'll handle it."

"Are you sure?" Kiara asked. "I can pay for the alcohol if you want."

"Don't worry about it," Ryan said. "It'll be my present."

"If you insist," Kiara said. "Be here as soon as you can, okay? I don't want you spoiling the surprise."

"Alright," Ryan said. "I'll be there as soon as I can."


Ryan smiled as he walked into the liquor store. He had used magic to get the money he needed to buy the alcohol. Was it morally correct? No. Was it legal? Hell no, but Ryan was going to do it, considering that he hasn't gotten paid by Kiara yet. He walked over to the alcohol section and picked out a bottle of sake, moving to the register. He perked up slightly when he saw a familiar person walk up behind him in line, holding a bag of instant coffee.

"Good morning," Ryan said, hoping to make conversation. A-chan jumped a bit when Ryan spoke before she pushed up her glasses.

"Good morning," A-chan gave Ryan a polite smile. "Nice day we have outside."

"A nice day indeed," Ryan said.

"Are you celebrating something?" A-chan asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah, my boss is celebrating her friend's birthday party and she asked me to pick up the sake," Ryan explained.

"Ah, it would be nice to celebrate my birthday like that," A-chan sighed wistfully. "It's not that my friends aren't great people. I just tend to forget my birthday in all of the work I do."

"That's understandable," Ryan said. He then realized that it was his turn to check out. "Well, I hope things look up for you."

"I hope your party goes well for you as well," A-chan gave Ryan one more polite smile as Ryan bought the sake and walked out, heading for KFP.


"Morning Ryan!" Kiara cheered as Ryan walked in to see a few people already there. He noticed Amelia, Gura, Sora, AZKi, Calli, Kiara, and Fubuki there.

"Morning Tenchou," Ryan said politely as he offered her the sake. "I hope this is good enough."

"This is perfect," Kiara smiled at Ryan. "Thank you for going to get it."

"Hi friend!" Fubuki chirped, bounding over to Ryan, extending her hand to shake. "I am the Friendly Fox, Shirakami Fubuki! It's nice to meet you."

"My name is Ryan Shade," Ryan shook her hand, smiling softly before turning to Sora and AZKi. "May I know your names as well?"

"My name is Tokino Sora," Sora bowed slightly as she introduced herself to Ryan. "Thank you for going out of your way to bring something for A-chan's party."

"My name is AZKi," AZKi introduced herself, her hands on her hips. "It's a pleasure."

"The pleasure's all mine," Ryan said. "Actually, I think I met someone named A-chan at the liquor store."

"Really?!" Sora gasped. "Then we need to hurry!"

"Alright," Ryan said, cracking his neck. "Let's do this."


A-chan walked down the alleyway, casually holding her bag of instant coffee. She was there for the construction of KFP and remembered helping YAGOO set up the barrier. "Man, that really was a pain," she muttered to herself as she crossed the threshold. The first thing she realized was that all the windows were covered up by the kind of brown paper you would see shopping bags made out of.

"What's up with that?" She asked herself as she walked closer to the KFP. "Whatever. This is the place I was supposed to meet Sora, so I might as well get this over with."

"SURPRISE!" A-chan jumped back when she opened the doors. A bunch of people were seemingly waiting for her as they all blasted confetti. Sora then walked up to A-chan, holding a cake. It had a messy drawing of A-chan done with frosting as well as the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY A-CHAN".

"Happy Birthday, A-chan," Sora said, tilting her head as she smiled. "Thank you for everything you've done for us."

"Thank you," A-chan replied, lifting her glasses to wipe her eyes. "Thank you for this. Thank you for everything."


"Man, I really forgot that it was my birthday, huh?" A-chan chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Thank you for going out of your way to do this for me."

"Everyone here seems to like you a lot," A-chan's eyes widened slightly in shock as none other than the person she met at the liquor store was the one pouring her a cup. "I feel like you deserve this."

"I'm surprised to see that the boss's friend you were talking about was me," A-chan said. "Thank you for going to get the sake."

"It's my pleasure," Ryan smiled, setting the bottle down. He then turned his attention to Amelia and Gura. "So, did you two tie the know yet?"

"Yep!" Gura showed Ryan the beautiful tanzanite ring. "Ame proposed to me yesterday!"

"Congratulations," Ryan said, turning to Amelia. "Looks like you have some balls on you."

"Well, I've gone through much more painful things," Amelia said, chuckling dryly. "But thanks for helping me out."

"I also have to thank you," Gura said. "You've been really nice to Ame over here. I really can't thank you enough."

"That's what friends are for," Ryan said simply.

"You already knew each other?" A-chan asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Ame and I have known each other for a couple weeks," Ryan replied. "Our relationship is… complicated, but we're friends."

"I see," A-chan pushed her glasses up, nodding. The doors then opened, revealing YAGOO as he walked in to take a seat next to A-chan.

"Sorry I'm late," YAGOO said, turning to A-chan. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, YAGOO," A-chan smiled. "I'm really happy that you could make it."

"Of course I would come," YAGOO said with a smile. "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Ne, A-chan!" Sora walked up, AZKi following close behind. "All of us came together and got you a present!"

"A present?" A-chan tilted her head. "You shouldn't have."

"You deserve it, though," Sora said. She then gave A-chan a letter. When she opened it, she realized that Sora had gone around, having everyone write her a small message. She then looked up to Sora, who handed her a long staff with a large sapphire at the tip.

"This is for you," Sora said. "I know that you have wanted your own for a while."

"Thank you," A-chan smiled as she took the staff, holding it close to her, as if it were a living thing. "It truly means a lot."

"You deserve it," Sora replied. "Thank you for all of your support."


"Man, that was fun," Ryan said as he stretched. Mostly everyone had left already, say for A-chan, Sora, AZKi, and YAGOO.

"You did pretty good out there," Kiara slapped Ryan on the back, causing him to stiffen.

"That hurt, Tenchou," Ryan grumbled.

"Thank you for sticking around this long, despite not knowing me too well," A-chan said to Ryan.

"I wouldn't be opposed to becoming friends," Ryan replied.

"That sounds nice," A-chan said, her smile widening. "It's getting late, though and I have work tomorrow, so I think I should leave."

"Actually, you can have tomorrow off," YAGOO said. "You've done enough work for us. You deserve a break."

"Really?" A-chan looked at YAGOO, her eyes sparkling.

"Maybe we can spend tomorrow together!" Sora suggested. "Would you like to come too, AZKi?"

"That sounds like a great idea!" AZKi clasped her hands together, a bright smile on her face.

"That settles it," A-chan said. "The first thing I want to do is get a good night's sleep."

"Feel free to stop by any time," Kiara said.

"I will," A-chan said as the four of them took their leave.

"You know, it felt pretty good to do something good like that for someone, eh?" Kiara playfully punched Ryan's arm. "What do you think, my Little Egg?"

"I think it felt great," Ryan replied as he smiled off into the distance. "I think I want to do more good things and help more people."

"That sounds like a good sentiment," Kiara said, turning to stare into the distance with Ryan.

"Yeah," Ryan said, sadness flashing through his eyes. "It does."