How We Met

"Hi honey," Ryan instantly flushed when he saw Suisei's face so close to him. Last night was the first night that he and Suisei actually cuddled. Suisei was aware of his intimacy problems and respected his boundaries, but Ryan had decided that he was ready for cuddling.

"Morning Suisei," Ryan smiled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "How did you sleep?"

"I slept a lot better since you were in the bed with me," Suisei smiled back.

"Alright you're going to make me blush," Ryan, not knowing he was already blushing, said, "I need to get to work."

"I know, honey," Suisei said as she rolled off the bed, "I have a stream soon. I took the liberty of preparing your clothes."

"Thanks, Suisei," Ryan replied as he got out of bed, "I'll see you tonight."


"Good morning..." Ryan trailed off as he saw nine people already in the KFP other than his manager..

"Oh, it's Ryan!" The first to notice him was Baelz as she spun around.

"Long time no see, eh?" Kronii said as she turned around.

"Ah, it's Ryan!" Sana hopped out of her seat.

"It's so nice to see you again," Mumei smiled softly at Ryan, "Though... I forgot what happened last time. Have I told you that I forget things often?

"Hello, Ryan," Fauna turned to look at Ryan.

"Ah, about time you showed up," Shade was already facing Ryan.

"Oh, the little spitfire is here," Grimm smirked as he turned to face Ryan.

"Who gives a shit? Give me another shot of Dragonson!" Jack, not caring to look, raised his shot glass.

"Ah, it's been a little while," Storm was standing next to Shade, "How have you been?"

"Why are there so many people here this early?" Ryan rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Oh, we were just recounting stories together," Shade replied.

"Ryan!" Kiara called as she burst through the back room with four tubs of fried chicken, "Good to see you're already dressed! Get your ass back here and help me out!"

"It's nice to see that some things never change," Ryan smiled before making his way to the back to help his boss.


"Remember when we met?" Baelz asked. Her question was met by a few snickers and laughs.

"I was so surprised when Shade punched me!" Sana exclaimed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ryan asked as he placed the remaining tubs of chicken in front of everyone.

"We were just talking about how we met," Grimm replied as he took a bite of fried chicken, "It was a long time ago."

"Oh, we should tell them," Shade smirked.

"I refuse to recount a story that doesn't put me in a positive light," Kronii heaved a tired sigh.

"Speak for yourself, asshole," Jack groaned as he downed another shot of liquor, "I forgot how narcissistic you were."

"Let's just get started," Storm sighed.


Millions of years ago

"Someone remind me where we're going again?" Jack asked. He was flying across space along with Storm, Shade, and Grimm.

"The gods just cast aside their council," Shade explained as they flew around a planet, "We're going to meet them."

"Why do we have to contact everything those assholes cast aside?" Jack groaned.

"All of us know they're not safe after the gods do that. It's only a matter of time before they go after them," Grimm said.

"There they are," Storm said. Shade turned to see a group of five women flying in the same direction. The four moved in to cut them off.

"Greetings, council," Shade floated in front of the other three as he talked, "If it's possible, can we talk about a few things?:

"Who are you guys?" Balez asked.

"We're... have we even come up with a name yet?" Shade asked.

"You said you would come up with one," Jack, sighing, pointed out, "You wonder why I drink."

"These guys were probably sent by the gods," Kronii reasoned.

"What? The gods?" Shade asked.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it," Sana shook her head, "All in favor?"

All five of them raised their hands.

"Well shit," Shade said as Sana took off a weird pink swirl on her head.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Shade asked. He got his response when Sana grew to the size of a literal star.

"This is not what I signed up for when I woke up today," Jack grumbled as he took a swig of alcohol.

"Ooh, I got this one!" Baelz exclaimed as she dashed towards jack. Jack had just in time to throw aside his drink and summon his knives to block a slash from Baelz's claws.

"Guess we better get ready too," Grimm said to Storm as they donned their weapons.

"I'm sensing destruction from you," Mumei said as she pointed her knife to Grimm, "I shouldn't let you live."

"Allow me to help you," Wood started to sprout below her golden apple to create a staff.

"So there are two left. Which one would you like to take, Shade?" Storm asked.

"Well, you know me," Shade said as he started to grow in size.

"Right," Storm said as Shade finished growing to Sana's size, "Forgot you can do that."

"Guess you're stuck with me, pretty lady," Storm said as darkness enveloped him.

"I would have liked to fight the alcoholic," Kronii pointed her blade at Storm, "He's destined to become a meddler."

"Well," Storm said as Anya formed in his hand, "Let's get this over with."


"Wow! I didn't expect there to be someone as tall as me," Sana said as she looked Shade up and down.

"I'm not used to this size," Shade admits as he looks back at Sana, "Listen, can we just talk about this?"

"Nope!" Sana raised her fist to punch Shade. As she did, Shade dodged with surprising speed.

"How are you so fast?" Sana asked as she chucked a planet at Shade, "It makes no sense!"

"Unfortunately for you, I don't make sense," Shade said. With the flick of his wrist, the planet was shattered, the remains bouncing harmlessly off his chest. He then moved in for a right hook. Although Sana was able to track his fist with her eyes, she wasn't able to dodge in time. She flew backwards as she was hit.

"I'd rather this fight end quickly so I'll end this now," Shade said. As he extended his hand, the pink swirl that had been discarded zoomed past him before finding its place back on Sana's head.

"Crap! I was just starting to have fun!" Sana whined as she started to shrink. When she regressed back down to a humanoid size, Shade summoned a rope of light to tie Sana's hands up.

"Well, that takes care of one thing," Shade said as he looked towards the others. I wonder what the rest are doing."


"Wow, I didn't think I'd meet someone as erratic as me," Jack noted. The two were flying through space in a deadly dance of blades.

"You're only erratic because you're drunk, old man!" Baelz commented before laughing while barely dodging a knife.

"Do I look like an old man? I don't think I do," Jack said as he parried a claw.

"No, you totally do," Baelz replied.

"Whatever. Guess you weren't expecting this," Jack smirked before spitting out a jet of green fire.

"Wah!" Baelz, the fire barely brushing her nose, leaned back, "How the hell did you do that?!"

"I always leave a few drops of alcohol in my mouth," Jack shrugged. He took advantage of the moment to grab Hakos by the cheek and start dragging her off to Shade.

"Nothing personal, but we're not trying to fight," Jack said.


"Why do I have to deal with two people," Grimm sighed as he blocked a strike from Mumei before spinning his scythe to cut a bolt of magic from Fauna.

"Need some help?" Shade called over.

"Nah, I got this," Grimm said as he split his double-bladed scythe in half to make two smaller scythes. He launched out a blade of darkness to counter another blast of magic before parrying another strike from Mumei from his knife.

"Sorry, but big bro is getting impatient," Grimm pushed Mumei off of him before kicking her as he threw his other scythe, the blunt side of the scythe hitting her in the head.

"Dear brother, can you get the nature lady?" Grimm asked.

"Sure, whatever," Shade grumbled before floating over to Fauna.


"Time stops for no one," Kronii said as she froze time for Storm, "This should be an easy battle."

"Unfortunately," Kronii whirled around to see Storm point his kris at her, "Time doesn't constrain me."

"What are you?" Kronii asked as her eyes widened in slight fear.

"Something constrained by neither space nor time," Storm shook his head, "Now surrender."


"So you got us," Baelz huffed as she crossed her arms, "I hate how you made it look so easy."

"What are you going to do with us now?" Fauna asked.

"For fuck's sake, I told you we just wanted to talk," Shade shook his head as his palm connected with his face.

"Oh, you really weren't lying when you said that?" Sana asked.

"Yes. That's why we bothered to come here in the first place," Jack gave the group an exasperated sigh.

"So can we talk now?" Shade asked.

"Fine," Baelz put her hands on her hips as she gave Shade a snarky look, "Let's talk."


Present Day

"Didn't you take care of them a bit too quickly?" Ryan asked as he munched on an Oreo that he got from his break room, "I thought you guys were strong."

"I remember it going very differently," Baelz pouted as she crossed her arm, "I totally kicked Jack's ass!"

"Maybe some of the details were lost to time," Kronii nodded to herself, "I'm sure I cut up Storm at least a little bit."

"Whatever," Shade waved his hand dismissively, "It's getting late. Want to move this to ROBEL?"

"Oh yeah, I wonder if Brianna's still working there," Ryan wondered aloud.

"Probably. I don't keep track," Shade shrugged.

"Alright, I'll see you around," Ryan waved.

"See ya!"

"I'll be sure to come back another time."

"It was nice seeing you again."

"Make sure to come see me sometime!"

"See ya, kid."

"Save me a drink, will ya?"

"Until we meet again."

"Say hi to Calli for me, will ya?"

"Man, today sure was crowded!" Kiara said as she saw everyone left, "It was an interesting story."

Ryan just nodded in response.

"Yeah. I can't wait to hear more from them."


As the group left the alley, they didn't realize that Shade stayed behind.

"So, you're finally going to take action, huh?" Shade asked as he turned to look at nowhere in particular.

"Man, you're more passive than me," Shade shook his head before turning around to walk out of the alley.

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon, Omega."