Chapter 4

"So the tiny tot speaks not bad. Keep that attitude to yourself. I don't like to be cut in between. Now shoo and give me some peace." He turned towards the wall on his bed and closed his face with his duvet.

Good riddance I thought. I turned off the lights and drifted to my peaceful much needed sleep.

"Wake up if you don't want to miss the sessions." Someone poked me hard in my ribs making me scream like a maniac.

"Good lord you scream totally like a girl dude !" That someone poked me again and started laughing loudly. I had to open my eyes forcefully.

"What's your problem?" Thank God my voice was hoarse.

"What's your problem, you ask ? I have been kind enough since its your first day. I don't care about you but the teachers here are pretty strict and they ask us to handle ourselves and roommates so if either of us don't turn up on time we both will be punished just mind it". He pulled my blanket and left.

I suddenly woke up. I had my night attire as baggy t shirt and sweat pants and for night I had decided I will put a very natural wig on since wearing a cap would be funny. So I thought as of now nobody would doubt me if I stick on to what I was doing.

I finished my morning routine in record time and got ready for my sessions. Manik was in the lobby reading some newspaper once he saw me he had a scowl on his face showing me that he is not happy with my tardiness, as if he is ever happy.

We entered our class where there were almost 30 students and the teacher was yet to come. I started going near girls when all of a sudden Dhruv came in front of me "Hey cap partner we meet again". I thanked him in my mind as I was heading towards girls and that would have been embarrassing.

"Hey Dhruv how have you been?" I went with him to one of the seats.

When we both took our seats I looked towards Manik. He was busy with his friends with his infamous scowl on his face I wondered does he ever smile. But then Dhruv started talking non stop pulling me out of my thoughts.

After five minutes a short and stout guy entered who must have been in his early forties. He started explaining the various expressions our face should be able to show but not before introducing me to the entire class. He was a good teacher he made the session pretty interesting. After an hour we all were allowed to do some practical implementation of today's classes and we were in six groups.

Our group had 3 girls and 3 boys if I consider myself as boy. All the 3 girls were whining saying they don't want to this they dont want to do that. Gosh I thought I am glad I am not like them. After rigorous two more hours of session we were allowed to have lunch.

I had to sit with Manik and friends. Dhruv was somewhat part of their group he had managed to sneak in as he thought they were the strongest. Abhi, Cabir, Karan, Madd, Raj and Dhruv seemed like all close friends as of now and the other group was a bully group which had ten guys and their leader was from influential family so nobody bothered to go against them, their group leader was Prithvi and he was like 6.2 with good physique but looked like villain for sure. His friends were like his puppets trying to get in his good books as his dad was a film producer. He was here so that he could learn some acting.

Girls were different story Aliya, Mukti, Soha and Neha they were close together and were tantrum queens they already had some flings with some of the guys.

Vibha, Riya and Tanu were like sweet girls who were just interested in their course, nothing else just like me had I been in girls troop I would be one in their group I pity my self for being sorruounded by so much of testosterone.

And all this information was provided to me by gossip queen Dhruv. He was so talkative but really a good person I guess.

At the lunch table the guys started asking me questions so I had to get in Nandan mode.

"So where are you from Nandan?" Maddy asked me. He was cute too almost all guys in this group were cute except Manik he was hot. Oh gosh I guess the food here is making me crazy, why do I think this egoistic jerk is hot.

"Hello Nandan, are you day dreaming?" Dhruv sprinkled some water on my face.

"Sorry I am just missing my family and since you asked where am I from I was taken aback. I am actually from Mumbai since I am crazy about acting and Direction I came here to achieve my dreams." I told them wiping off water on my face.

"Ok cool" everyone mumbled and continued eating their food.

I saw Soha throwing glances at our table every now and then. I couldn't point out whom she was looking for. Seems like lots of love stories are gonna be created sans me. I finished my food and waited for the guys to finish their food. They talked more than girls. I think I will start writing a book on Girls Vs Boys that would be fun.

"Again you dozed off." This time it was Cabir who said that. I just smiled and mumbled sorry.

"He is a weirdo I told you guys. There is something off about this guy. Careful there tiny tot I am watching you ." Manik made a sign saying he is watching me. Huh watch dog, Meh, as if I care. Seems like he can't mind his own business. I just rolled my eyes. But very soon realised I should be careful about my girly actions.

Gosh, just day one and I am already tired, still such a long way to go.