
"What?" Adeline gasped and jumped up only to stumble and be caught by him. She was so close to him that she could smell his cologne and by God, the smell was just too good. She could sniff it all day long. 

"You okay?" He asked, stabling her and making her sit on the chair.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." She answered looking ahead. She stared that her friends were now looking at her. Damm, she had practically fallen into the arms of a baller and attracted the attention of the whole table.

"Umm.." She mumbled. "These are my friends; Marshall, Elizabeth and Christine." She pointed at them.

"Hello," Xavier gave him a dazzling smile making Christine swooned at him. "I hope my girlfriend isn't annoying."

"Hey!" Adeline glared at him and hit him with her elbow making him chuckle.

"Not at all." Elizabeth smiled. "She's a great addition to us."