Saving the penguin.

The penguin was hanging from his window. Her fingers could barely hold on any longer and he knew that she would fall at any moment. 

"Fuck! Adeline!" He yelled running to his house and throwing open the door. He jumped through most of the stairs and was worried out of his mind. His mate's fucking life was on the line! She was hanging off of a damn window! 

Within seconds he entered his room and bent ahead from the window. Holding her by her underarms he pulled with everything he got and threw her onto the floor as he stared at her with his chest harshly moving to make sure that it was her on the floor and not hanging off the window anymore. She was safe now. 

Adeline gasped for air. She had never been so scared for anything much less her life. And to begin with, he was outside! This was a total mess.