Just another day at lunch.

Adeline was swooning. Sunday, Xavier and she had gone on a date and it was swoon-worthy. He did not leave her hand she did not overcome the blush. 

"So," Elizabeth sang the word with a naughty smile on her face making Adeline worry a little. "How was your date?" She teased and Adeline's blush grew even more. 

Turning to her friend she frowned, "How'd you know?" She hadn't told anyone.

"I saw you, duh." She rolled her eyes giggling. "But seriously why were you guys at McDonald's?" According to her, there were much better places in town. 

Adeline frowned. What was wrong with that?

"There's nothing wrong with that." She went back to rearranging her locker like she did every week. "We were spending time together and it doesn't matter if it were in a posh restaurant or just walking in a park. I was in the mood for nuggets and fries."