Adeline won't go anywhere.

Xavier was calm. After he listened to her, he realised what an idiot he had been. He watched her back as she walked away, climbed into the bus and then the bus drove away.

Away from him.

Apart from him.

"Look man," Shaun, a fucking dumbass in his opinion said, "it usually works." He offered an unconfident smile.

Xavier turned around, dropped his bag and glared as he muttered, "does it? Cause right now, it fucking backfired. Your piece of shit!" He growled letting his beast take over almost.

Shaun immediately raised his hands in surrender. "Look man, I am sorry. Hell, If you want then I can talk to her!"

That did the trick.

This puny shit would talk to his mate? His Adeline?!

"You would talk to my girl?" He growled out. His words were barely understood and everyone who was supernatural knew that his beast was surfacing in front of everyone.