So, you played me.

Adeline was packing her things. Marshall had left after a phone call from his sister saying that it was an emergency. So she had lazily started packing her things up as well after saying goodbye.

She moved out of the seat and out of the room but Xavier came in front of her. She stared into his eyes as his eyes called to her. The lovely colour was trapping her in them. Shaking her head with some courage, she looked away and sidestepped to the left.

He took a step to the left too.

She took a step to the right.

He did too.

Frustrated, she stepped backs and gave him a clear way to enter the room. She pointed the way with when hands and showed it to him. Go on, her eyes said. 

His whole aura seemed different. From the good guy, he had gone to the bad boy. From the hoodies to leather jackets, he and changed it all.

And she loved it on him. It seemed to be more him.