The Winter ball -II

"Here, punch." Adeline raised her hand to take the punch from her friend Marshall. After they had arrived Adaline and Xavier had turned to each other and asked for a few moments alone with their friends.She liked the idea since it was not prom and not many had bothered to bring dates. They were here to have fun with their friends along and enjoy the feeling of exam stress gone. 

 Xavier and his friends were howling and that somewhat annoyed Adeline, yet she kept quiet and to herself because it was his group and she was no one to interfere. It was their time to enjoy.She smiled as Elizabeth dragged Christie to the dance floor and practically forced her to become her partner to dance with a slow dance. Elizabeth was giggling hysterically whereas Christie had a dead ass expression on her face. She had no intention of enjoying this as she shook her head saying no repeatedly.

"Come on, baby," Elizabeth twirled her friends around, "Dance with me!"