Nails and bald spots.

The school had declared the day after the dance a holiday as it had to be cleaned up after everyone and the teachers were on an overnight duty so they deserved a break from the 'rowdy children creating a mess everywhere.'

She had still woken up on her regular time even though it was really difficult given that she was up till four in the morning and a few hours of sleep was not enough.

Still, she was happy and excited. So much so that today, even with the cold, she had scrubbed herself twice with her favourite scents. Drying herself with a towel, she smiled and danced around. Putting on the undergarments she pulled her hair up to tie but noticed something weird. She leaned into the mirror more to notice it better. Raising her hand to the area, she touched it. There were two little holes in the crook of her neck. Every small and more like. . . scares left from acne.