Brotherhood - I

He took off his packet and kept it on the dining chair as he entered the house. 

"In your room or the laundry please." His ears picked up his mother's words and he immediately picked it up and walked to his room sighing internally. He could afford to anger the woman. 

His room seemed to be dull as compared to his mate's. Her's was beautiful and lively and he seemed dark and dull. . .bland.

He kept it on the chair and laid down on the bed. Tired, even his beast felt so.

It had been on a complete alert ever since Adeline had been in an accident and the fact that he was not aware of that happening had left his beast to go crazy. So much so that even in the middle of the night he had urges to go and check if Adeline it was safe and sound.

Which he had tonight and left around midnight. Now, he was calm and resting.

"Pup?" He heard his father and grunted from he was. "You have to train in the morning. Do not sneak out like you did today."