The beast of her friend.

"A what?" She repeated, eyes full of humour as she thought about what he had just said. Mate bond was the most absurd thing she had ever heard of and she had had Ap maths.

"Mate bond." He answered the question with a more serious expression on his face. "Tell me, Adaline, how many species do you believe in?"

That would be the weirdest question she had ever heard in her entire life. Also, she had asked him about mate bond then why was he getting off the topic?

Nevertheless, she answered him, "I only believe the ones that I can see." The eyes never lied.

He nodded understandingly. "I understand that. Completely, I do."

Then make me understand you too, she blinked at him, waiting for more.

"But what if I could show you that a whole other species exist out there and we humans have no idea about it?"