The shapeshifting realm - III

The king had summoned both of them. Thought that they have someone's entire family but it had just been the two of them.

"Is something wrong uncle? Alexander asked.

The king shrugged as if he was not aware of it himself which made both of them wary of the situation.

"If given a choice and if the right competition which one of you do you think would be a better candidate to be the next king."

Xavier laughed under his breath, "The question is a bit out of the syllabus, isn't it?"

Nicholas scoffed at that. "Bold of you to assume that there will be things within the syllabus when any of you becomes the king."

"Any of you?" Xavier repeated, taken aback by what his uncle said. "What makes you think Alexander would give his throne to me?"

Alexander was quiet and this did not go unnoticed by the king.