The Long talk - III

From where she stood, it stank as a dead carcass would and she was not sure if it was the dead animal somewhere around or the rabid wolf that stood in front of her with red eyes and spit dripping from its mouth along with some blood mixed with it.

Adeline noticed how sharp his teeth were which only confirmed her suspicions that if he came closer to her she would be mauled to death. Somehow immediate hot had gone to her boyfriend, Xavier. Any situation where she knew she was not going to last for long she wanted how she was expecting Xavier to help her.

Xavier was not here and she could not even try to call from where she stood, moving was a big no. The gate was already closed so she did not even try to think about running through the gate and the bushes were big enough for her to take time to climb over even if she ignored the small branches that were going to hurt her skin and scratch it over.