The Sacrificial Lamb- V

"Wh-what?!" Having least expecting him to day that, she stuttered. So all along that he had been looking out instead of talking to her and he had been looking at the planning of her demise? He nodded as amusement glitter in his eyes. He was clearly enjoying the situation. "Why, yes, come and look at it yourself." He raised his arms giving her the clear indication to come and look for herself which she gladly took as she ran to the window and looked out with wide open eyes.

Her eyes scanned everything.

There was a large pole in the middle of the round and it had a horizontal pole on it as well. The next thing that caught her eye was the large stone bed lying next to it which had four restraint of leather attached to it. She gasped at the sight alone. The instincts of a mother rose and she palmed her belly as she eyed everyone.