The aunt - I

Like it dutiful parent or guardian in this case Tessa was standing at the bus station half an hour early waiting for adaline to arrive with the rest of her group.She wanted to surprise the girls because of which she had it skills her presents from school for the next day so that she could get away arrested before moving on full stop in return Tessa only expected adaline to come back with the healthier and more relaxed mind so that they could get on with therapy.

Approaching Adaline about such a subject was die approaching a deer with the hand that contained a large butcher's knife.

But only to her surprise and soon coming heart attack adaline did not arrive in the bus. In fact the bus did not arise rather it was a whole police motorgade coming in.

Several vans and cars of police arrivalong with paramedics. Tesaa immediately got out of the car wondering what happened that before the bus the police had arrived.