The Ritual - II

As if it was not okay to drop the bomb that Xavier has changed drastically now he wanted her to get ready for some kind of sick ritual.

"What getting ready?" She muttered as she stepped back, her eyes darting left and right to see for an escape. "I do not want to be a part of this to begin with!"

"I know," he pouted, "but do not think of running away. If not animals then there are many blood depriest vampires in this Jungle that you do not want to come across of. And afraid I would not be able to pull you if the catch you and bleed you dry."

She swallowed her own spit at that.

Bleed her dry?

Before she could even process of what to say next to him out of the small heart that stood behind Noah, had rose of women coming out of them. They were at least a number if not more and they all headed towards Adeline who was stepping back repeatedly in fear.