The Ritual - IV

It was clearly now that her begging would not work so I did not want to even waste any time on it. But now she wanted to focus on what was Noah doing next."Bring her to me."

Are the words spoken by him she immediately tighten herself. She was not ready to give herself away yet including her child. Her anxious eyes watched as the men instead of coming closer to her went back towards the building which was right in front of her.

What? If not her then who were the bringing?

After a few moments which verb blanketed in a thick blanket of silence came the loud sounds of feet hitting the ground. She immediately looked to them carrying a long piece of of box with them.

They kept it down then realise that it was not long piece of box but a coffin. Was the coffin for her? What they going to bury her life? How was she to be able escape then?