The King's Dilemma - II

His eyes never left left the child, who if could talk would all plead and cry for her life. She was too weak to do so and her breaths were numbered he knew that. But if he let his mate survive whose breaths were number as well it would mean that he would sacrifice his child and let Nathaniel bring someone back from the dead. It was no an option. The king in him could not let it happen. 

It was not something a king and an Alpha should be at a fight at. He knew that very well the duty and love would different and he had to make a choice between the two. Duty to the world as a king and as a member of it was more important but so was his very family.

"Take that mutt—"

His ears caught the sound, the pounding of footsteps on the ground as a vampire came near them. Turning around as if on autopilot he held the Vampire by his throat before placing his hands in his mouth and tearing his half head apart.