The plan - II

The day Teresa Woods had been told about her brother's death she had imagined to be Adeline's guardian and give her all of her. She had vowed to never let Adeline feel the need to have a parent. She always tried to fill up that gap of the same of a mother and that of an aunt so that Adeline would never feel awkward. 

Her brother and she had always kept in touch as they were family members that were left in the world and Adaline had been a common topic amongst them so naturally when Tessa was given the guardianship of Adeline, she had never imagined herself to be waiting outside jail from which Adeline was to be released. 

The doors opened and loud screeching noise of rusted metal was heard. Tessa stood up and hugged her child who seemed to be awfully cold. 

"Here," she took off her coat and placed it on Adeline's shoulder then made sure that her arms were inside and that she was warm enough before sitting down. "How are you my child?"