A new friend - II

"Where are we going?" Adeline asked the girl again because she was not telling her where they were going. 

"Somewhere," Patricia answered vaguely. She knew she was wrong to drag the weak Luna but talk about it all they had to go somewhere which was more discreet yet open for adaline to make her feel good. They could not go out to the Royal gardens because it was there that Adeline would not be able to travel from the top most floor to the most bottom one which is why they had to settle with the small garden that was a makeshift one made upstairs. 

"Here," he said and opened the door to a greenhouse that looked like a greenhouse. Adeline was literally basking in the world as soon as she entered the room. The hallways were cold but this room in comparison to it was much more warmer and brighter making her love it instantly. 

"Wow," she murmured the word without even realising it as she praised the room and the whole idea behind it. It was truly very beautiful.