A new home - II

Korr had a car. Even though it was an entirely different realm, as they explained, they had taken a few things from haralam that they like including automobiles technology and medical science advancement. 

He drove the car around and Adeline sat in the back along with her aunt. She looked at everything and was fascinated. Even though the people and the area were not as frightened as it seemed before, from when she was in the infirmary she felt it better to be outside. 

They drove around for a while and the shops faded away as houses bigger than the previous ones came in view. She glanced at Korr who was driving easily and realised that he must be a well off man to be able to live in such nice houses but nevertheless she did not assume more than that because she did not know anything about the world. 

She gulped as they finally rolled to a stop. This was going to be her new home and hopefully she would be able to enjoy it more than she had done in the palace.