A Luna on a mission - VI

Adelene stood up and since the teacher was not present it was easy for her to walk out of the class but she stopped in the middle of the hallway. 

"What?" Elizabeth whispered right behind her. She was holding their bags. 

Adeline bit her lip and turned to her. "Do you know where Xavier is? I have no idea." 

Elizabeth facepalmed. " Well," she looked around, " I don't either but, for you, you just follow your heart."

"What?" Adeline barked, "my heart says to go out of this world and back into mine."

"You're dead there. So you could try." Elizabeth handed Adeline her bag, "but other than that, try." She said before going back to class leaving Adeline to stand there alone. 

Listen to her heart? She wondered how Elizabeth could say that. 

With everything that Adeline had been through it was pretty obvious that she was now going to listen to her brain instead of her heart.