Cuffs?! - I

"A party?" Tessa repeated before a wide smile came on her face, "oh my god, Adaline you going to go to a party!" 

"Not really madam," the Butler, Javis intervened, "young mistress can only go if master allows it." 

Tessa's for head priest at the words of the butler. "Yes but she is also my niece. I have more rights than your master does." 

Javis's lips thinned. It was obvious that he did not agree with what her aunt was saying. 

"That is okay," Adaline intervenes quickly, "it's fine if I asked the permission of you both Auntie Tess."

Tessa nodded then but that was far from what was on her mind. 

She looked away and out of the window that was in a lens room. Slowly she stood up and walked to look out onto the empty road. How was it that when adaline was her family member the so-called mate got every right on her more than she did? 

It did not sit well with her that Korr got more rights than she did. It was her neice.