The piling problems - II

"But I don't understand, I cannot get pregnant and it makes me grow crazy?" The woman mumbled to herself as the therapist nodded and Adaline lowered her eyes. 

The look in the woman's eyes was like what many had. A look filled with anguish and they were on the brink of depression. 

They stared at her. It weirded her out. 

"This is a common problem that women are experiencing," the therapist began the recorded words, "we are surely going to come up with a solution for this. For now I will take you to be patient. 

The session continued and Adaline nodded her head at every point where she thought the problem arose. They were frequent. 

This was one way to help humans that were settled in this world. Both men and women at times need to talk to someone to understand from a different point of view. Therapy helped.