A Luna's hand - I

"What's wrong?" The words slipped out of Adeline's mouth before she even realised it but watching Ashlynn's paleface and panicky voice made Adaline scared for what she was about to tell her. 

"Everything," she answered almost immediately and then looked at Xavier, "is not telling you many things because he is afraid that you will get hurt."

Adeline glanced at him but then returned her eyes to her friend. "Ashlynn, what do you want to talk about? Do you want to sit and drink something first?" 

Ashlynn looked like she was contemplating the offer which is why Adeline lightly pushed her to the chair on the inside and then sat on the chair next to her. 

"Now tell me," Adeline very gently rubbed her hand on Ashylnn's shoulder in an attempt to sooth her down. "Why don't you begin with what the problem is?"