A Luna's hand - III

Adeline's cheeks flooded with colour. Could they make it any more obvious that the attention was on her? 

"Uh . .uh. ." She stuttered and stood up, "I'll be going now. Thank you." Adaline moves towards the door only to be stopped by Preston's voice. 

"Is it someone that you're expecting to meet Luna adaline? I quite understand that humans tend to find comfort with humans. I heard that you had joined in helping the human mates settling into our world." Preston knew very well what he was doing as he said the next words, "perhaps you've found someone for yourself?" 

A thunderous growl shook the entire room and Adeline gasped in horror. She looked at the source of the growl and found it to be Xavier who once again had a flash of Amber eyes along with yellow in them. 

The beast was in possession.

Preston hid his smile. He hit the jackpot.