A change seen - IV

"Is it just me or has something changed?" Tessa muttered under her breath. "It's like someone else is standing in front of me."

Korr frowned slightly, " my love, there is no one standing in front of you at the moment. "

She tsked, " I said it as a metaphor. " She waved it off. "Have you noticed a difference in Adeline?" 

"Please specify." 

"Umm," Tessa of the recent changes that she had seen. There have been so many changes that she could not even specify one but it was the fact that they had been so subtle that only that person could notice them who have been with Adaline for a long time. 

"I do not know much about children but from what I learnt as an elder sibling is that children change as they grow up." Korr sat beside his mate on the bed. Now slowly Tessa had allowed him to enter her room and she entered his without any problem. "Sometimes it's the way the world wants them to be. They become tough in nature."