The cabin - I

They landed at a deserted airport. Adaline watched everything and took it in as they walked down the airstair. 

Every inch of land was covered with snow and the Greenery was slightly visible. The air in general felt chilling and gold and It helped her hard on the skin. It all seemed so fresh to breathe as if it had not been polluted by any automobiles or any kind of pollutants. 

It seemed so different. It seems like a picture or a wallpaper of a dreamy destination too beautiful to be true, too beautiful to be disrupted. 

"Come on," she heard Xavier say as she felt his hand over her shoulder, "we need to get in the car before you catch a cold. You can admire it from the house." 

Adeline then realised that she had been standing just in front of the stairs After sending them. She moved where he guided them to. There was only one car. 

House? She wanted to ask him that there was one major concern, "why is there only one car?"