The markets - IV

Adeline licked her lips of the remaining coffee taste as she had taken her first sip. She pursued her lips thinking about what he had done. 

"Is there a specific reason for why you did that?" The only reason that Adeline gathered up enough courage to ask him that was because he was readily explaining everything.

"For what?" He repeated, genuinely confused. 

She nudged her head to the direction of where his handkerchief was. "The pendant was not dirty for you to wrap it in your handkerchief. So why did you?" Just as she finished speaking Adeline realised what kind of petty thing it seemed. Was she looking to pick up a fight? 

"About that," he nodded, getting her point. "I did that so the pendant would not break. The chain was really dainty and I do not want to take a chance of losing it." 

Now, she felt bad. Why was she looking for a fight? 

She narrowed her eyes and her hand went to her neck on her own. She felt like something was missing.