The temples - II

As if sensing their presence, the boys looked over together and before they knew it they were walking towards the girls and Xavier stood in front of adaline. 

"Hello you," 

She looked down shyly, "Hello you." She said back. 

He chuckled. "Walk?" She nodded. 

They walked away from the group. Adeline took in the breathless side in front her. People walking or sitting together. They were even sitting on the ground with crossed legs as if meditating. 

Some just stared off to the mountains standing together and talking while the others did not. she would understand why they did not want to talk because the scenery was just so beautiful and breathtaking. 

"Absorbing everything," Xavier commented, "you do not need to do that because we will be coming here if you want." 

Adeline blushed slightly, feeling caught in the act. "No, no, it is all just so beautiful that I cannot ignore anything." 

"That it is." He agreed. "Cold ?"