Just talking - III

Unaware of her pregnancy, losing her father and that was not enough she actually saw his dead face, right in front of her. He stared at her with unblinking eyes. 

Then the child. 

What has Adeline not experienced in the matter of days, months Perhaps? 

How was it that he was constantly supposed to be reminded of it? She was tired. Adeline just wanted to rest. 

"When the next time you come here I hope you will be able to answer my questions better and satisfy yourself with them." Gemmika answered.

How was only made Adaline from. What did that mean? Was this conversation over or was she just dismissing Adaline?" 

Gemmika pointed at her. "You need to be more vocal about what you are thinking. There are situations where speaking out loud does not bring any benefit but here you need to do it. You have a question in your mind regarding my intentions and I want you to go ahead and ask it." 

Adeline gulped. "I don't want to . . offend you. ."