A little run - II

Adeline's entire body hurt but that did not deter her to stand up and see if it was her mother or not. 

This world was made up of magic and she was not going to let go of the chance to find out if her mother could be alive in this one. 

She, with great pain, with the help of her elbows stood up even though her knees were shaking. Her body could barely hold her weight at the moment but she did not pay attention to the needs and messages conveyed by it, rather looked around the entire forest or what was visible to her to find her mother. 

"Mumma?" She called out hesitantly. "Where are you?" Her voice was very hesitant and full of uncertainty. She was not show who she was talking to or where was she supposed to look at. 

There was no reply to her question. It was as if a blanket of silence had descended to the forest and nothing spoke or emitted a sound. Not even the wind blew now.