A little run - IV

Augustus cursed as he saw the slip of Xavier's fingers over her sweater. They barely grazed over it and it was not enough for him to hold onto any material. 

His eyes widened only when he saw Adeline slipped off the cliff and Xavier followed behind. 

"No!"He roared and jumped after the king but was held back. 

"Stop that," Dylan held him back, "Xavier can survive the fall on the frozen water but Adaline cannot."

He cursed loudly. " None of them would survive this. They would die." He glared at the gamma wolf. 

Dylan argued, "Xavier is a lycan. He would heal quicker than Adeline and he would actually survive this. If Adeline hit the ground she would have not survived at all. You wait here, keep an eye on them and I will go get help." He growled out before pushing him slightly and running into the forest willst changing into his beast mid-run.